Craftisian Blogs

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  [01.06 Folding Work Table - Top and Support Structure.jpg]   The tabletop is just a 1/4" plywood panel with a 2” wide sassafras frame. The frame ...
While the edges of the backrest parts were still square, I cut the mortises for the dominos.  Ganging the rails together made a self-supporting str...
A while ago I poured some epoxy over cholla canes to make some pen blanks. But the epoxy went exothermic and made enough of a mess that I thought a...
Now that the main chair frame is nearly done, I can move on to the independent backrest frame.  I started by creating another template to define th...
Because my seat frame components are probably not quite as thick as those in the original, I compensated by making mine slightly wider an limiting ...
I still need to do some shaping and sanding of the legs and arms before they'll be ready for glue-up, but I took some time to work out how to clamp...
[Windy 1.png][Windy 2.png][Windy 3.png][Windy 4.png][Windy 5.png][Windy 6.png][Windy 7.png]
Now that all of the main chair components are fitted (minus the free-floating backrest), I can begin shaping the pieces to their final form.  I sta...
It has been a while.  Maybe a little off topic for a Supercell titled blog but sort of the next step in improving dust collection in my shop.  The ...
The secondary stretchers separate the main front and back stretchers and complete the seat frame.  The next step in the project is to get those sec...
A rare find. Some collectors passed it around and it came to me. I knew it was a hole cutter, but I didn’t know about this variant. Usually the piv...
For $1, picked up this new-in-package plane blade. Lord only knows how old it is. When was the last time Marples was in business. Also, looks to be...