For the body I made segmented rings. Lots of rings. Also solid wood rings. [ring 2.JPG] [ring 5.JPG][ring 6.JPG][ring 8.JPG][IMG_4172.JPG] [ring 10...
I am making this airplane out of cedar, actually fence boards from Home Depot. I go through them and get the best I can. To make the wings, tail a...
I hope it turns out to be what I have in mind. That would suck if I bungle it. I hope I do this blog right. It's intended to be start to finish in1...
My flagpole mount on the side of the house saw it's best days many years ago. Finally I stepped up and did something. I'll see if I did the right t...
This shop vac and Dust Deputy was upstairs next to the cat litter box. He died last year, and I inherited it. It wasn't on a cart before, I had a ...