Metalworking Blogs

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and I don't mean that in the pleasurable way. Boys and Girls,  Just did this today... with still my dodgy leftie (arm)... so here you are. If y...
This is an idea that I have had kicking around in my head for a while now but faced with the task of making four new sets of steel blade clamps fo...
Our museum received a Gledhill-Brook time recorder as a donation. It has fallen to me to bring it back from the dead. This where it stands right n...
Your projects are now presented on the Craftisian in all their glory. Gone are the square-cropped thumbnails that didn't present majority of the pr...
Microjig has become our official Store Partner so now you can shop the original Microjig products and support Craftisian at the same time. As this ...
Craftisian magic embeds got even more powerful. In addition to automatically turning a copy-pasted Youtube, Vimeo and Craftisian project link into ...
Project images are now displayed in a more appealing way on the project pages. Large featured image is accompanied by a grid of additional project ...
I have just finished up and shipped my project for the LJs 2022 knife swap. This was a first for me, as I’ve never made a knife before…well, I stil...
We are reintroducing Member Spotlight - now with a cool Roll the Dice feature. Each day a new member (with at least 7 projects posted) is randomly ...
We have a new design of the member cards on the Members pages. It is now consistent with the member cards on the projects and other posts. It doesn...
Collecting of a project is now integrated directly on the project page. The intermediary page has been removed and you can open your collections me...