
Meet Bertha, aka "Me". She definitely has my figure ;) 

The grandkids offered a few names for this doll but once "Bertha Big Butt" was mentioned, we always went back to that one. So, Bertha, it is.

I was all done crocheting draws and had returned to doing animals... except, as I scrolled to find the animal that caught my eye, Bertha popped up. Actually, the name of the original pattern is Miss Rubi and the pattern is designed by Miss Hook. You can find the pattern here.

I didn't have too much trouble following the pattern but, once again, when I got to doing the hair... I stalled. I don't like doing hair. Thus, the skull cap for the hair became a hat. Done.

I will definitely do this doll again.. maybe when I overcome the hair barrier. 
~ Debbie

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit