Screwdriver Set for Christmas

Since we're nearing Christmas, I decided to port over a few Christmas gifts I had posted elsewhere in years gone by.  This is from 2018 so forgive any references that don't make sense 4 years later 😉

For Christmas, we draw names with my siblings and their spouses rather than trading gifts all around. This year, I drew my brother so was glad to have to the chance to make him something useful. I was also glad to have the opportunity to make another set of screwdrivers using the Grace USA shanks.  This was the third set of drivers I've made with the Grace shanks.

Handles were turned on 3 axes to obtain the ovular-ish shape that seems more comfortable than a round handle and won't roll off the bench. The profiles from the front and the side can be seen on the drivers in the 4th project picture. I chose some Walnut I harvested from a neighbor's yard a couple of years ago and some spalted Maple I got locally in the spring. Walnut for the flat blades and Maple for the Phillips drivers.

I used some Cherry stock to make a box to house the drivers and some curly Maple my buddy GrantA sent me for the lid and bottom of the box. It's a simple box with box joints on the corners and a sliding lid. I've come to the conclusion that hinged boxes aren't ideal for tools. It seems like the raised lid is always in the way when I'm trying to access what's inside. So, from now on, any boxes I make for the shop or for tools for other people will likely be like this or a Japanese tool box style like I used for the last swap.

For some reason, I thought the box needed to be much bigger than it did. So, I added a small compartment on the side for screws or a bit driver and bits or whatever he wants. Or, if he wants to use the box for something else entirely, the divider pieces are just wedged in place and can be easily removed. I used Tru-Oil on the Walnut driver handles, a couple coats of BLO and a coat of wipe-on poly on the Maple handles and 3 coats of BLO on the box. The medallion with my maker's mark was engraved on my small laser on a piece of Cherry and inlaid into the lid.

Comments and questions welcome as always!


The set looks great.    Like the idea of the different woods for the different blades.    Nice.


Those look great, I really hate I didn't get in on the group buy of those shanks. 
beautiful set of drivers kenney.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks fellas!


Those look great, I really hate I didn't get in on the group buy of those shanks. 

People say this all the time.  If you e-mail Dan Morrison (president of Grace USA) at and ask him, he will tell you what the minimum volume would be and what the prices would be.  Several years ago when I bought my shanks, I think it was 10 pc minimum for each style you wanted to order.  And I didn't have any trouble getting enough interest to make it happen by posting a forum thread on LJs.  And who knows, since the pandemic, he may be willing to sell shanks piecemeal without a minimum volume?
Nice gift! 
Eccentric turning sounds like something I need to try. They look great in the box.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

As I often say, a box is a box unless it's a puzzle... but then that's my twisted mind.

I say that as I've many many similar for my tools, but always had issues with lid closure. Like you (if you hate hinges), I hate hinges on these type of small boxes, but though it may be obvious to most, I've never considered magnets this way and I love the idea.  Doubt if I'll ever buy another hand tool so I'll probably never have the need for another like box, but I really appreciate the way you've used those magnets.

BTW: What size batteries do those drivers take?

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

You finally made some handles with the right shape.  I approve.  😁

Did you use a guide or template to get a consistent shape or freehand it?  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

Very nice set, Ken!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Beautiful set Kenny. The handles look large enough to get a good grip on and they will not roll off the bench, The box is really nice too. I need to try multi axis turning myself.

Main Street to the Mountains

Love the eccentric turning!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Just free-handed it Nathan.  I think this was the third set I made though so you woulda thought I would have made a template by that point.  Not to mention I still have a slew of different shanks for my personal use I have yet to handle.  Guess I'll be freehanding yet again unless I get smart and make a template.  I actually think I may make a guide like you made and try to mimic the Wera-ish handle you sent me.  I really like it a lot.
I think it was 10 pc minimum for each style you wanted to order.  And I didn't have any trouble getting enough interest to make it happen by posting a forum thread on LJs.  And who knows, since the pandemic, he may be willing to sell shanks piecemeal without a minimum volume?

Or we do a screwdriver swap where the participants all use those blanks? Bulk buy for the folks involved and the only rule is you need to use those blanks…dunno… Doesn’t even have to be a swap…could be set up as a group contest. Everyone makes a set for themselves and we vote on them for bragging rights!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Seems I remember that set. Very nice. I've used the last of my Grace shanks. The last screwdriver swap got them. That was the set I was saving for myself but after they sat for two years, that should tell the tale. Procrastination!
Well, you did a  lot better freehand that I did.  The first few that I did trying to figure out how it would work all looked odd.  My wife asked if I was making sex toys.  😎

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

 commented about 3 hours ago
Seems I remember that set. Very nice. I've used the last of my Grace shanks. The last screwdriver swap got them. That was the set I was saving for myself but after they sat for two years, that should tell the tale. Procrastination 

Correction:   I got them.  😀  They came in a nice box too.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

Funny Nathan.

There will be some opportunities for some good swaps coming up. The screw drivers sound good. Ryan had a great idea too, have a contest to see who comes out on top for the bragging rights. Only that may be short lived, since someone will out do the design.

Main Street to the Mountains

Amazing work. Great drivers with beautifully made handles presented in a one of a kind presentation box. What's not to like?

Andy -- Old Chinese proverb say: If you think something can't be done, don't interrupt man who is doing it.

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