Haven't had a chance to get back to carving tools but I had a couple pocket knives that needed a refresh this weekend so I thought it would be wort...
This one isn't exactly on sharpening but it does have to do with using abrasives on a tool blade so I thought I'd throw it in here.  This is a copy...
I intended to do this all in one entry but I ran into a bit of a dilemma.  The tool I'm working with is an Ashley Iles 60 degree, 1/2" inch tool wi...
V Tools are a special case so I've decided to divide this entry into two parts.  In this part I'll review the tool geometry and the goals I have fo...
I recently bought a couple of used carving tools and decided that working them up would a good place to start this blog.  The first one I tackled i...
So often we see posts and questions about sharpening in WW forums.  After all, sharp tools are a necessity for success in any material removal unde...
I got the bulk of the work finished up this weekend.  I started with a dry fit of the case and then used it to cut the door members to length.  The...
Seems like no matter when I start a project it never gets done before it has to...  Progress has been slow the past couple weeks.  One weekend we h...
When I left off, I had the case members cut, box joints cut and the case dry fit.  Next up was the plywood back.  I cut it the first piece to lengt...
My goals for this weekend were to get the boards for my mom's flag box thicknessed and get all the boards for both projects ripped to width.  Then ...
Scope Creep is a common term in my line of work.  It means someone tells you they want something.  So you do the design work and present it.  Then ...
Well, I didn't really have the whole weekend but I had most of the day Saturday and a couple hours Sunday.  My goal was to get all my boards milled...