Grasshoper Pull Toy

Christmas gift for a new great grandchild,  (hard to believe)!   I've made several of these over the years and they are probably appreciated more by the adults than the kids.  The original plan was for pipe cleaner antennae on the grasshopper but I thought is a hazard for the child so I left it off.


Hey! I have made that one! I need to post it here. I did wood antennae on mine.

Hint: in the tag section add "woodentoybuild2022" . It will put in the contest for this month
Thanks Steve,    I will do it but the other entries are too good.


No worries - the winner is chosen by random!
Cool Albie... where the vid of it hopping around the kitchen?

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

What is the general size?  Funny that adults enjoy it top!  
I remember my green grasshopper from when I was a child .. loved the sound and wa matching those legs go up and down

Thanks for the memory!!

Lucky great-grandchild! 

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Hour of fun and play in that beautiful toy!

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Sorry Mr Duck,. My skills do not extend to videography.  
