Doll house

(Originally posted elsewhere 2016)

When our niece mentioned that her daughter (our grand niece) would like a dollhouse, how could we not give it a try. Searched the web for plans and ran across one at that looked to be within our skill level. We have adapted some aspects, including:
  • used 1/2 inch baltic birch plywood for the floors (rather than 3/4 inch)
  • since we used 1/2 inch plywood, I made a ledge for the floors on the side pieces (rather than using pocket screws as in the original plan) and glued the plywood in place - added a few supports to ensure it is solid
  • we used 2×4 for the main frame to make it more sturdy as we need this to endure a 600+ mile journey from our home to theirs
  • we did not glue the walls on each floor in place but rather did screws from underneath
  • I made dados to hold the side walls in place and glued in place(rather than nailing)
  • I made the stairs as more of a ladder
  • my husband cut the "roof" on the scroll saw

As in the original plan, I used scrapbook paper as wall paper. Lot's of color and a Disney theme. For some of the left-over scrapbook paper, I ended up making little stands with various Disney characters so she can play with those in addition to whatever dolls or stuffed animals she already has.

2022 FOLLOWUP:  I asked my niece if it had survived and YES it is still part of her playroom.  


Hey Uncle, can you make me some furniture for the doll house?      Nice work 


A room with a view!

I like the way you did the roof line, nice effect 8^)

Great to hear that it is still alive, but I'd assume little girls take better care of their toys that little boys ( I was one once and took everything apart 8^)
very cool barb,that made her smile i know !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Great build Barb, bet she has a blast playing with it. Well done

Main Street to the Mountains

Nice build Barb! Fun to know it is still in use.
Hmm, guess who want's a Dutchy toy plan? 

Suggest you tag it woodentoybuild2022!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Nice job!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

That’s great, Barb! Maybe your grand niece’s future daughter will play with it one day.

I wish I had been active with woodworking when my kids were small. My daughter’s Barbie dollhouse was a four-compartment store-bought melamine bookcase—nothing as cool as this one.
Thanks everyone.  It was a fun one to put together.  

Glad I "overbuildt" a bit.  When we delivered it she was, well, not overly "careful" so I was afraid it might not last! My dollhouse as a kid was metal and not nearly this big.  We could just fit this one in our Jeep to get it there.  
Cute project. I bet someone is going to get a lot of use out of it.  Good job.  Mike
Those stairs dont have a handrail, pretty sure that is code-violation.   No, seriously, I like the sort of "Steiner" minimalism impression of the house, gives kids more freedom to decide how things will be.   And the stairs are a nice touch.

No Bees. No Honey. Bees Lives Matter

Mike - thanks.  Six years of play so far!

Brian- thanks.  I had enough trouble with the stairs!!  The rails are make believe so she can imagine whatever style is desired. 😉  Guessing no walls might also be an inspection issue (they are invisible 🤔).

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