Bookcase for a friend

(Posted project elsewhere November 2017)

Walnut was harvested from my friend's family farm (Century farm) a number of years ago and this little case is made entirely from that wood (he didn't want any plywood back etc).  The boards were only these so I didn’t have room for an "oops" (although later after I finished he found a couple more boards!!).

All wood meant needing to figure out wood movement etc (lot of help from folks on LJ).  Not sure I did everything right but it's still together many years later.
The shelf height was custom based on his book collection (wanted top shelf at 10 inches and midle shelf at 8 inches). Also wanted the top to have three "sides." This is about 30 inches by 30 inches.  One of my most challenging but meaningful projects.

Various progress pictures.

Also made him this little organizer so he wouldn't ding up the top! 

And a quilt rack for his wife (also my friend!).


Nice items BB that also was a nice stack of lumber
GR8 JOB Barb :<))))


 Corelz125- thanks.  It was beautiful walnut.  Air dried (though stored in a shipping container so guessing it got pretty hot in Missouri summers). 

Thanks Tony!  Check out my helper on the project (have to slip a dog in somewhere!).

real nice case barb.if i dont see one of your babies i question if it's really yours or not-lol.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Pottz - thanks! My pups are my helpers so need to acknowledge their contributions 
Nicely done Barb, the Walnut looks great, and you had a nice selection to work with. Yep, have to give credit to the pups.

Main Street to the Mountains

Thanks Eric - the walnut was really pretty.  Was stressful knowing if I messed up, there was no "run out to get more."  
Great looking project. I always like the way Walnut looks when a good finished is used. Excellent job !!!   MIke
Thanks Mike.  I think this project made walnut pretty much my favorite - although cherry is near the top of the list too.
Looks fantastic, Barb! Great backstory too.
Great job BB1 and it's nice to see you put some effort into presenting after what would have been an extensive build.

Love your grass/gravel/concrete assembly table.

Is that organiser G&G or yet to be trimmed/sanded?

This picture really highlight the benefit of the Bessey Vario clamps.

If you need more clamps... stupid statement... everyone need more clamps except the Bessey family members and maybe a few Irwings... worth considering these Bessey upgrade jaws.... will convert long Besseys into seemingly titches.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Ron- thanks.  He's a friend who is always willing to help out.  I've made a lot of items for him and his wife because he's so appreciative.  Few others (boxes were for them to give to family as the wood came from their farm)

Nice little projects Barb. Like the little side table, a different look.

Main Street to the Mountains

LBD - thanks.  Didn't have room in the shop so had to use some old plywood outside.  Worked fine until it started to drizzle.  

I left the joints proud - is that G&G?  I just thought it looked neat.  

Haven't bought more clamps (yet) - usually I try to grab a few with holiday sales.  
Clamps are one of the few things I get a HF, reasonably priced.

Main Street to the Mountains

Eric - the "Loft"
commented 6 minutes ago
Clamps are one of the few things I get a HF, reasonably priced
I have several of the small blue ones from HF.  Good to have on hand.  
Thanks Steve.  Simple but was very rewarding to build for him.

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