Asa-No-Ha Kumiko

Here is my first kumiko project. Basswood with a 1" square poplar dowel for the frame. I bought Matt Kenney's book and made jigs from some red oak I had kicking around. I bought 3/16" X 3/4" basswood strips from a vendor, figuring to save time and money. That was my first mistake. I bought plenty so that I only paid shipping once. They advertise a tolerance which I figured I could live with. Didn't matter anyway, since my flat top rip blade is .140", so through the drum sander they went…all 50 four-foot sticks! This is comprised of 266 pieces of wood, so lots of cutting! Not something I'd do for a living. The table saw was used to rough the length of the small pieces, as I'm more interested in progress than process for lots of little pieces. Cutting all the little pieces to shape in the jigs is about as Zen as I'll ever get. I purchased the wood before I got the book, so discovered that he uses 3/8" stock instead of 3/4". So, it's pretty thick. I have yet to put a cloth back on it like MR Kenney suggests. We'll see how that goes, or if I actually do that.

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer


A nice pattern in the assembly, I am sure that is really some quite shop time once you get the lengths roughed out. The blocks look good, so the process should have gone quickly. I have yet to make the blocks myself and give this a try.

Main Street to the Mountains

Thanks, yes, it's pretty Zen, once the jigs are adjusted. That's also something I like about carving, as I don't do much mallet work. One guy brought an electric chisel in to the carving class one time. OMG, the noise!

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

Yes, the faint sound of a radio in the shop is nice as you are working on a project is a treasure.

Main Street to the Mountains

Nice work!that takes some patience! 

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Yes, the faint sound of a radio in the shop is nice as you are working on a project is a treasure.

I have a "boom box" that I got as a work anniversary gift, but haven't space for it in the garage. That's being worked on.

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

Nice work!that takes some patience! 

I haven't the patience to make those wonderful marquetry pieces you make, but thanks all the same!

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

This is why the name I plundered for my Himitsu-Bako ("Japanese") Puzzle Box sort of sounded familiar,

       ↑   (That's nearly as anoying as those bleeding acorns!)

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Looking very good;

I think I'm not patient enough to make this myself ;)

Thanks! I really like the looks, but agree that it was a little tedious, and one can't just zone out, because that chisel is scary sharp.

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

That looks great. I have a kumiko project on my list, but it's going to take a while to get to it.
Thanks! That's one of the tougher designs, btw.

This was far easier. It's called "Square Dance". It's 18" X 12". This is all friction fit, no glue.

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

That is a nice pattern also.

Main Street to the Mountains