Hummingbird Houses

I received an order for 3 more hummingbird houses. From left to right, they are Olive wood from California, Mesquite wood  from Arizona and Mountain Mahogany from Idaho. They are finished with satin lacquer and 2 of them have been fractal burned.

Cheers, Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Those are nice little bird houses.  Like the wood used, not real familiar with Olive but like it.  

daveg, SW Washington & AZ

Another pretty set Jim. Well Done

Main Street to the Mountains

Looking good Jim, they sure seem to be popular.

.................. John D....................

Very nice Jim..
Great little homes for the birds.
Pretty cool projects, nice work.
Those are Dandy little houses I like them, Good work.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

Great looking, my wife thinks these would be good Wren houses if they were just a little bigger.  Mike