Coping/Turning Saw

My take on a coping/turning saw.

Usual rambling picture build here.

Hand tools only and with no plan and very little clue as usual.

Feel free to comment/criticise.


Well done Mike. Even better just winging it
Nicely done Mike, using rough lumber is a plus. It looks functional as well as artistic. Nice write up in the blog build.

Main Street to the Mountains

Excellent work Mike!  Now I feel lazy for using the Gramercy kit 😆
Nice! Good save with the leather washers. Oh and that's a most interesting hacksaw shown in the blog post part three.

Knowing how to use a tool is more important than the tool in and of itself. - Ron Aylor

not bad for having no clue. i dont do anything close to that when i have no clue, which is most of the time !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nicely done!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Well done Mike. Even better just winging it
Thanks Corelz - I've tried designing plans, but never seem to follow them, so generally easier to just go with it I think.
Eric - the "Loft"
Nicely done Mike, using rough lumber is a plus. It looks functional as well as artistic. Nice write up in the blog build.
Cheers Eric - the big advantage of rough lumber is it's just lying around for free :)
Excellent work Mike!  Now I feel lazy for using the Gramercy kit 😆
Hang on, there's a kit?
Well, dammit.
Ron Aylor
Nice! Good save with the leather washers. Oh and that's a most interesting hacksaw shown in the blog post part three.
Thanks Ron
The hacksaw was done in much the same way - I've slightly reshaped a couple of bits on it since these pictures, but it's essentially the same - I don't use a hacksaw much or I'd probably remake it a bit sleeker.

not bad for having no clue. i dont do anything close to that when i have no clue, which is most of the time !
It's the advantage of not having a clue being my default state - lots of practice.
Anyway, I've seen your furniture builds - They're a hell of a lot better than mine :)
Nicely done!
Thanks Ryan
Nice saw Mike, this came out great, and functional. The 4 part write up is very nicely detailed, will make a great set of instructions for those who wish to make their own.
Nice, Mike! Chunkier than I would make it, but to each his own, right?

May you have the day you deserve!

Nice saw Mike, this came out great, and functional. The 4 part write up is very nicely detailed, will make a great set of instructions for those who wish to make their own.
Thanks Tom
Dave Polaschek
Nice, Mike! Chunkier than I would make it, but to each his own, right? 
Cheers Dave - it'd be no fun if we were all alike :)