
This was a quick dovetail joint practice.
Since I just made it without planning, I didn't even take a picture of the process. 
It isn't perfect but I think it's okay. I like how poplar looks, far from fancy...

No name noobie here


not bad bud. 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I'm a fan of poplar.  The dovetails look great!
Nice dovetails Yrti. a quick simple design. I would suggest taking a small piece and plug the hole with an end grain to match, it will disappear.

Main Street to the Mountains

Pottz - Thank you!
BB1 - I also like the soft feeling of the poplar. Thank you!
Eric - Thank you for the new tip! In the new project, I'll try a miter dovetail joint:) 

No name noobie here

Looks good, YRTi! Poplar’s a fine utility wood.

May you have the day you deserve!

Dovetails look clean!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Thank you, Dave! It's a hand tool friendly wood:)

RyanGi - Thank you. It's at least not gappy!

No name noobie here

dovetails fit nicely.    Nice box.  


Yrti, your joints are excellent!


Excellent joinery!

Poplar is an underrated wood, the colors and grain can be exceptional. Even wood with the green cast can become awesome as it ages and turns brown.
Ron - Thank you!
Petey - Thank you! I hope I can cut good joints consistently...
Splinter - Thank you. I just simply made a box with poplar but I think it's all about how you use it. I may make something bad looking with nice burl wood while you can make something attractive with greenish poplar...   

No name noobie here

Looks like you have dovetail joints down pat, they look perfect.

.................. John D....................

awsum55 - Thank you! I need more practice to be confident enough...
Steve - Thank you:)

No name noobie here