Ornamental Bird Houses

Made several of these years ago for a charity auction.   All sold well.   4 new ones for gifts.    These are 3 1/2 inches tall and 2 inches wide.  the one in the flowers has a small 1/8" dowel in the botton so it can be set into a flower pot or vase, it is one made sometime ago and is a bit weathered.  
The build process was to drill a 7/8 inch hole in a block and jam chuck it onto the lathe.    This is turned for the body, while on the lathe the entry opening and a small hole for the entry rest are drilled.    The top is then turned and fitted to the body.    Top and bottom spindles turned and mounted.     Either a small eye screwed in the top spindle or the bottom spindle drilled for the dowel.   
Finish is rub on poxy.    
Easy project and one that does well for making several at a time.  



Those are cool! And a great use of small blocky scraps. I’ve gotta try that. Nicely done. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

They look great.
It makes me wonder if Mason Bees would use them if you hung them outside. They need a 5/16" hole for their egg laying holes.
I don't see how any right-minded bird would shun something like these. Seems they would be at you shop door putting in orders for custom upgrades.

Excellent Ron 👍
real cute ron.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice! They look like great gifts.
Thanks for the comments.   Appreciated.


these are really cute GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


Really nice Ron, some great turnings and the idea of using the dowel on the bottom to stick them in flowerpots is wonderful.

Main Street to the Mountains

Thanks Eric and GRB.   


I really like these! Thanks for sharing
Cool turnings 987... but,

I'd lash out with a few thumbs up if not for my hate of birds nesting in my roof versus anything outside.  They only nest outside when the others put up a no vacancy sign in my gutters.

However a slight modification,

might get a small,

if only as a reminder of WHY they would use my roof instead of the boxes.

Ok, 3/4

as I read (ugh) they were ornamental.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Very cool and attractive! I just finished bunches of the same box and now I think I should come up with this kind of thing that's beautiful and unique! Thank you:)

No name noobie here

Great projects to practice or improve turning skills, look great.

Those are nice.  Humming bird houses?


Great bird houses!!!!!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Thanks for the comments.  Fun little project.   Work good at Christmas for tree ornaments
