Bug Jars (Containers)

Grandpa was at it again, something for the grandkids. This is my version of a Bug Jar, a woodworkers view. Measures 11" long, 5-1/2" wide and 8" high, made from scrap Pine even the 1-1/8" closet rod for the handle. I had some screen laying around to. Mainly for the kids to catch those fireflies. It was a fun project that did not take to long. I do need to go pick up a couple of wooden knobs in the morning.

Thanks for looking and comments are always welcome and appreciated.

Main Street to the Mountains


now those are damn cool for kids. hey ill send ya some socal cockroaches to throw in ? maybe corelz will donate some NYC roaches too. theve got the premium ones ! 🤢

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.



Fun little project.

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Good job! I used to like catching bugs like rhinoceros beetles when I was a kid but I'm sad we don't have them in socal or I've never seen them here... I see another type of black insect here instead... 

No name noobie here

It’s great to hear kids are still catching bugs 
Top cage Eric. 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

In Fla the roaches can pick up a squirrel. 

Cool projet Eric


Slick trick looks good.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

these are a lot fancier then my mayonnaise jar with holes poked in lid and grass in it LMAO 

GR8 JOB grandpa 😍😎👍


Nice project, Grampa. That is much better than plastic crap from China!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Really a great idea.  My grandson and I were trying to find some black crickets last week,  we did not succeed but this would be a great home for them if we do find some.  They are around here but hard to find and harder to catch.
Pottz, thanks. I'll pass on the roaches, we have the wood ones around here that are about 2" long.

Steve, thanks. And a fun little build too.

Ivan, thanks. Interesting but the kids love to catch bugs.

Ryan, thanks. Yes it was. and stronger than the ones I did years ago for my own kids when they were youngsters.

Yrti, thanks. I think all kids love bugs in one form or another.

Peter, thanks. Yea, the kids here are still catching bugs along with other stuff.

Petey, thanks. I have heard that about them roaches you have there. We have big wood roaches here, and them buggers are fast.

OldRivers, thanks. Something a little different, and fun for the kids.

Tony, thanks. I used them mayo jars when I was a kid.

Jim, thanks. Yes, better than plastic, and lots of air for the bugs.

Scrappile, thanks. A easy fun build, I just glued and nailed with the brad nailer. As for the crickets, this would be great for those fishing trips.

Main Street to the Mountains

My wife hadn't seen fireflies in person though there are quite a few at my parents' place in this season so we went to see them and catch them 5+years ago. The adult fireflies don't have a long life so we released them.. 

good education for kids!

No name noobie here

What a fun project!

.................. John D....................

I've only seen fireflies when I was a kid up in MN visiting the aunt/uncle at their lake cabin.

Crickets and I don't get along, especially when they are in the house and LOUD!
My strategy is to located them by ear, grab the windex bottle, and switch on the light. They'll freeze for a few seconds, then run, but usually I have a few squirts in before then. I want to leave them dead-right-there, warning to the others, but the wife insists they get dispatched. 

Bugs in the sink are a gift for a blast of hot water to send them to bug nirvana.

Fun Fact:
You can "read" the temperature by counting and timing the cricket chirps. 

Count for 15 seconds, add 40, get the temp in degrees F.
Windex kills crickets???

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Ammonia! Effing roaches too!

Get the cleaning done while you kill the riff-raff 🤠
Yrti, no they don't have much of a life span.

John, thanks. It is a fun build, I ripped some lattice strips down (drops) then nailed them to the frame to hold the screen, just used a long piece and wrapped it around the frame.

Splinter, thanks. Yea those crickets can be really annoying at times, like when you're trying to fall asleep. I have heard that about telling the temperature from their chirps. And Windex?

Main Street to the Mountains

If I’m being honest I love the sound of crickets or cicadas at night. We don’t get them very often at all, unfortunately. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Grandpa, any project for the little ones is a great project. Nice work.