Timber Framed Mini Sawhorses

I have a large project that I want to get started on and I will need a good set of horses. So I decided on a set of Timber Framed Sawhorses, this set is a mini version that I built as a trial run. These are 1/3 scale, standing at 12" and the top beam and feet are also at 12". Finished with a few coats of Danish Oil.

I had some scrap drops of Pine stair treads in the shop (I scrounge where I can). I ripped the width so I could glue them and have square stock to work with. Once I had the square stock it was all cut to 12" and the Layout started for all of the Mortise and the Tenons. Used the drill press to hog out the bulk if the waste then chisel work. (new chisels and mallet, worked nice).

The Tenons were cut first at the RAS for the shoulder then the TS with a tenon jig. Took the time to fine tune the fit of each, labeling all joints so I did not get them mixed up.

Then it was off to the bandsaw to cut the angles in the top beam bottom and the top of the feet. Also, I cut a relief in the bottom of the feet leaving material on the end for solid pads. Then sanded all parts before assembly.

Off to do the glue up, in stages. The stretchers were first to be glued to the legs, wanted to use the drill press for the pin holes (3/8" Oak dowels), also during the glue up I dry fit the other joints to hold everything square. 

Next up was the feet, same principle, drill press for the pins. Finally glued the top beam in place. I cheated and used the ROS to sand all of the proud tenons and pins flush and finished with Danish Oil.

For those that like to read and see more construction photos here is the Blog on the biuld.

Thanks for looking and comments are always welcome and appreciated.

Main Street to the Mountains


man those are damn sweet bud. cant wait to see the full sized version.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Pottz, thanks. I need to order the stock tomorrow and find out what the lead time is going to be. Road trip coming up.

Corelz, thanks. I am happy with them. I used a torpedo level this morning. First on the bench to make sure it was level, then across each beam, then across the two horses at each end. Level all the way around. Yeah!!!

Built up my confidence on the full-sized set, sense they need to be level for the project.

Main Street to the Mountains

Finished up looking sharp, Eric! Well done!

May you have the day you deserve!

They look great! Now you'll have to come up with a project that needs small sawhorses!
Nice solid saw horses! When it's the real size, you are going to need a 7-10lb mallet to pound in the joints!

No name noobie here

Dave, thanks. I am pleased. And the full-size set should go just as well.

Steven, thanks. I will find a use for them, even if it's elevating pieces to finish. I still have the little scraps that I cut off of the top side of the feet, they will work to clamp these to the bench top.

Main Street to the Mountains

I think you should call those “saw Shetland ponies.” :-)

They look really nice, and strong enough to hold a car.
Yep, nice saw ponies.

Handy height for finishing cabinets.
Looks like your an expert on timber frame already. And the photography is great. You must have nice natural light in your shop. 

If you keep making mortise and tenons you may have to buy a mortise machine. 

I’m also working on a prototype of a project I might build. 
Ron, thanks. I was thinking about Pony Horses too, and they should be sturdy for the purpose intended.

Mike, thanks. Didn't think about cabinets, but yes that would work too. Many uses in the shop.

WoodGuy, thanks. No expert yet, and the photos are the phone camera. Yes, natural lighting in the shop with the LED's is nice to have. No machine but maybe some bits, I think I could fashion a hold-down to clamp to the fence.

Main Street to the Mountains

Awesome job! 


Finished project looks pretty good, nice work.
Mos, thanks. hope to get an order placed this week for a full-sized set.

OldTool. thanks. The Oil helped the gran pop a little, which is great.

Main Street to the Mountains

The full sized set will serve you well for many years, nice job Eric. I can see the mini set being used as stand offs for anything you might want to raise up to eyeball level from a shorter bench. Similar to using a Moxon vice. I had lifts that used to serve me well on glue ups, and also when needing something low, I would spread out cross members on top, and make a short term low bench for assemblies.
Very nice work Eric!


George, thanks. I think the Pony's will work well on the bench. As you said lifting things up to more of an eye level and if they are clamped to the bench, it would elevate an item for clamping to a horse.

Petey, thanks. learned a few things too about mortise and tenon joints.

Main Street to the Mountains

Looks like miniature Clydesdales. 😎
Gary, thanks. They do look like little ponies.

Main Street to the Mountains

Bloody impressive mate!
don't be cutting stuff on them!

Regards Rob