I do love finding a cool cigar box to retrofit that has the name for it already on the box.
This one is called Lost Art, and seemed appropriate for a mechanical puzzle box.
It's not often I show pics inside of all the mechanisms, but I figured if my boring first picture lured ya in then you earned it, lol.
Often the challenge is to fill the inside of the box with mechanisms as well as red herrings, ..and dials that you think you understand how they work, but they have a whole other function, love doing that!
Yes, the gears in this case are just added eye candy that kind of suits the theme, kinda. Ya, we need more devious minds, its a small crew out here, lots of crickets, lol.
This looks so cool. Crafting this must be so much fun (as you even said as much). You have a real skill. I could not tell you looking at the insides how it works, which is the whole point! Love it!
You know, there is only a small handful of folks doing this, it is a genre begging for fresh perspectives and talents. Happily I teach this to folks too. Contact me if you want to know how easy (and cheap) it is to get started.