“Scrapper” the pugilist.

Boys and Girls,
Another T&J model (#88) posted at LJ on Jun 7th., 2016.
It is presented in 2 parts:-
1.      The abridged version for people with the attention span of a gold fish (or Gen Z doplegagngers).
2.      The full story… if you read that installment… I plead the Aussie 5mm, as I have no idea what I was smoking at the time.
From behind my back,
pick your poison elixir of life.

... And of course the 3DW model,

------------------------------------------------- ooo000OOO000ooo --------------------------------------------------
Again you get the 2 for 1 instalment.  You be the judge where your allegiance lies.
1.   "Scrapper"  was my 2nd. last completed T&J model  (just before the Hummer) and built around September 2015.  The thing I liked about this build was that it had quite a few movable parts, but on hindsight that's was to be the demise of this model (movable parts eventually break).
Thank you for your attention.
2.  Now for the real story, with less "intelligent" content than my previous publications.
Why pugilist…? you ask, to which I answer "You talkin' to me?" and then try to answer.  It's because he can't play any musical instruments and just "Scrapper" sounded naked which would fail the "G" rating.  Why musical instruments...? Because he's a single tasking male and as I am now just as confused as you should be, I shall look for the full stop.  <-> There it is, terminating this mindless prattle like a bug on a wall (not the listening type but the crawly type… yech … I hate eavesdroppers, and name droppers, and pants droppers… where's that second full stop?).
"Scrapper" was my last T&J build just prior to and a bit before my last T&J build at the time.   It has a sad, sad story to tell.  It goes something like "WROOM, wroom, wroo-oom, wr-ooom, cough, splutter, wroom, wroom"!!!  (but in a deeper gutteral engine concerto).  To bypass the Engine to English dictionary, I shall try to translate myself.
I  (this is "Scrapper" speaking and he does not speak in the 3rd. person) started on the computer screen as a SketchUp model and a few weeks  later I was incarcerated  in a display cabinet in some dark and dingy house in Churchill.  The End.
"Scrapper" is a man of few word so I shall endeavour to extrapolate for him while waiting for my next psychiatrist's visit.
He (this is me speaking now… actually typing in case you weren't listening) had a dull beginning so I'll try to ad-lib, however, the build was fairly unimpressive with few public holidays or mardi gras so actually there is not too much ad-libbing and even less pickies as the camera ran out of Jpegs.
When I (as in Duck) hit the workshop I began with the traditional wheel making (refer to previous blogs if you have a fetish for wheel  related bufoonery).  Ad-lib…  ad-lib… ad-lib… ad-labour… ad-greeneies… ad-lib… ad-lib and finally I tunged it and gave it a shellacking.
Other than an uneventful build,  it was totally frustrated by me (and to me),  continually trying to fabricate the side panel of the bucket.  I probably made about a dozen of them and kept breaking the "ring" that the "Rear Cross beam" was mounted in before I got an acceptable matching pair, only to discover later that I screwed up and the hole was not a pass through in which case I would never have broken it.  I still carry the scars of my undying faith in SketchUP which is what drove me to such a fundamental stuff up.
this is what it should have looked like
This is how it was cut (dummkopf)

but the look wasn't a total failure,

thanks to Titebond III.

I'm only giving this more coverage than it deserves,  because it was such an elemental stuff up which was discovered way too late after the glue up and also because I considered that I haven't wasted as much valuable writing space due to lack of meaningful  verbal material as I have in the past.
Last minute scoop.  I found these photos of "Scrapper"s nuts growing on a tree.  I picked the nuts and replace most of the T&J supplied pegs with my nuts (the laser cut ones).  Don't know whether it may have been a overkill but seeing as how the glue has dried (take my word for it as you cannot see dried glue in an old photo),  the nuts are stuck and erring on the side of caution I'm going to let sleeping dogs lie as they would get upset if I glued some extra nuts on them.
Just thought of another last minute scoop (which would make the previous one a "last 2, minutes scoop").  Do not do what I have done and make the model fully operational.   People, by that I mean those well meaning "individuals" in close proximity of "Scrapper", seem to have succumbed to that contagious disease  called the "Wet paint must be tested" syndrome.  When I tell people that parts move they try to force movement and some even attempt to force up the dovetailed top of the display cabinet.
I'm hereby de-extrapolating this article (cutting short) as fortunately my ankle has re-covered (I put a new pair of socks on) and I can go back to abusing my machinery rather than waste everyone else's valuable time.
You may need to wait for my next dicky ankle (funny place to have it) to get presented with another inane Ducky quackerry.  But need not fear, I'll keep poking my beak into other unsuspecting bloggers.
Bye 4 now.
I got so eager to hit the concrete of my workshop I nearly forgot to post the gallery pictures before hitting the [Post this project] button, but when you initially saw the pictures you probably had no idea how close you were to missing out.  Phew.
Bye 4 now again.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


Ha! Ducky you crack me up… nice build!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

That sure is finely detailed machine! Nice work on it!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Your prose flow like a liquored up thespian, not that there is anything wrong with that 🤠

I admire your perseverance on this model 👍 I know how too many moving parts  can get you into trouble but you kept at it like a duck on a june bug.

Pure eye candy! Applauds for your skills 👏
Nice scraper! The name fits.


Looks great Duckie...you are the King of making the tires


Another model, made to perfection.     Like the write up.   


.....you are the King of making the tires

Thanks Mokey, but that title goes to htl on LJ (amongst other things, he had a great indexed blog on all aspects of small wheel making... unfortunately the LJ upgrade screwed that all up)... but I'll settle for Queer Queen,

Actually all these model postings are a prelude to my upcoming "Wheel Indexing Jig" for thread making.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Very impressive model Ducky but as you mentioned with so many moving parts not a playable toy. 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Talking about “htl” Bruce did come to Craftisian but haven’t seen anything of him lately. He is/was a remarkable inventive model/toy makers. He also did some posting on the Aussie “Woodworkers Forum” but it too lost a lot of first blogs with an upgrade. I have saved some at the time they were originally posted and am happy to share if folk are interested. 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

That looks like a big project. It looks great though!