Bluetooth Speaker

I made this speaker as a giveaway for my YouTube subscribers but it was all about a mistake...

Things actually went well but I stupidly glued a front base frame on the rear and a rear one on the front.
Therefore, there is no longer a recess where I was going to fit a speaker grill partially (I have the recess on the back now!!).

What's more, when I noticed it like 1h later, I tried to dissassemble the box by hitting it with a mallet, which was unsuccessful.
Then, I panicked and I forgot to clamp it back where I hit by a mallet so now, a few joints have a gap.

Luckily, the biggest gap is like 1/32" and it's walnut so it's hard to tell.
Regardless of the outcome, hopefully, whoever receives it will enjoy this speaker that I at least made my best effort.

I wish I could go back to the moment when I took this picture!

The top right is the biggest gap... I know there is no perfect in woodworking but this one, I could do better and I think that's life:)


No name noobie here


Looks really nice. 

Glue up mistakes. who hasn't got a story to tell. :-))
Thank you but yeah, I should be more careful...

No name noobie here

Neat style YRTi!

Yeah, that Grand Canyon of a gap, you could fit a few Hydrogen atoms through that "wound" 🤠

Your perfection is inspiration!
Looks great to me!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

yeah fantastic as usual my friend. i wish my best was as good as your worst ! your hand tool work inspires me.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

As per your normal level this one is also great.   Well done.


Very nice, YRTi! If you hadn’t mentioned the gap, I never would’ve noticed it.

May you have the day you deserve!

Very nice! I really like the grill.
Thank you guys! I just left for travel this morning so I can’t reply to each comment but I’m happy about the comments:)

No name noobie here

Excellent work. That's a lucky subscriber
Me likey; very nice.

You could put a touch of glue in the gap with a toothpick, then stuff black walnut powder into it being careful not to get glue outside the tiny gap.
Use more BW powder to burnish the surface.

That is so sculpturally impressive, no one will ever realize it was meant to be built any other way.  Except for the new owner, who will have a great story to tell.  Great work.  
Thank you Gary for the advice.  
Ross, you make a lot of artistic stuff so I’m happy with your comment! Thank you

No name noobie here

That’s a beautiful piece of functional art, YRTi! I can barely notice the gap, even after you pointed out where it is. 

I think your mistake was a happy accident, as you ended up with something different and more interesting than a typical speaker with recessed grille.

I’ve tried the post-glue-up mallet repair technique before. It seldom works…
I think it looks great. I can completely understand that glue up mistake anyone who works with wood has had that happen to them at some point. The last time it happened to me I was fortunate enough to have used hide glue, so it was just a matter of hot water and a little persuasion with a rubber mallet, and the fact that I use hide glue maybe 25% of the time I should say "very fortunate". I am a true believer in the properties of hide glue, and now that you can buy quality glue that doesn't need a double boiler, I'm really sold on it. but old habits are hard to break. For me It's the slower curing time and I get too impatient and turn to modern PVA. I should add that I love the design of that speaker cabinet it would look great in anyone's home, especially mine :) 

-- Paul--- Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams

Thank you Ron. Yes, also I have the original design in my head so whenever I need to make a speaker, I don’t have to spend a long time to come up with  a new idea!

Tinman, thank you. I also started to use hide glue these day but not this time. Well, everytime is a learning opportunity:)

No name noobie here