Barking Books (Boxes)

Needing a project I saw the Book Boxes in the June/July issue of WoodSmith.  Volume 46 No. 273.    Only thing they did not do was have a title on the spline or the cover....ah a chance to use the laser.   
Decided on the dogs for the titles on the 3 boxes I made.   Hank the Dog,  Tegan the Corgi, and Dickens the Corgi.  These were the covers, the splines had Hank the dog, Tegan and Dickens.  Now Hank is a black lab so the fill for the laser is black, Tegan is a black and white Corgi so fill is back and white, Dickens is redish brown so tried for it but it came out a bit oranger than wanted.  

Two of the boxes have Mahogany covers and splines and the other has Walnut.   The covers are 1/8" thick, the splines 13/16"
The two larger boxes are 9 1/4" tall by 6 3/4" wide and 2 inches thick, the Tegan box being the smallest of the dogs is 8 3/4" x 61/4" x 2".  The book pages are 3/8" thick Poplar.
The internal drawers then are 7 1/2" x 5" x 1 5/8" for the larger boxes and 7" x 4 1/2" x 1 5/8" for the Tegan box.  The drawer sides are 1/4" thick and the back of the drawer is 3/8" thick.    Bottom of the drawers are 1/16" Ply.   
The finish is 3 coats of wipe on Poly.   

The sides of the books were run through the table saw to give the impression of pages, i.e. sharply groved, used a 40 tooth Woodworkers II saw blade.

These sizes do not totally line up with the WoodSmith plans as I used some of the woods I had on hand.  

The drawers slide easily, no runners or catches.   Was a bit concerned to not get them tight or too loose.   Worked out fine.

The Hank Book goes to the wife, the Tegan book to the daughter as Tegan is her dog,  Dickens belongs to the DIL so she gets that one.
Who knows what they will put in the Books if anything.      Fun project. 



very cool ron. sounds like good reading !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Wow they do look like books.  Grate place to hide stuff.


What did you do for the ‘pages’! Is that just grain or…?

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

They look like real books. And the page effects came out just right. 

Ryan the page effects is simply to run the board that became the pages over the table saw with the blade just slightly raised, mabe 1/32" or less, move the fence over and run it again etc etc etc.   Not original with me it was the way the author of the article in the Woodsmith article did it.   

Thanks for all the comments.  Appreciate it.    


super cool Ron, well done!


Great place to stash photos and other doggy records (vacs, etc.)
These boxes are so cool! I want to stack them on my desk for desktop accessories or maybe store them in a book shelf. and yes, I need to read more wood grain. Great job!

No name noobie here

Some of the coolest looking small storage boxes I have ever seen. Nice build Ron. Contain the pics, and papers of a dogs journey, and never have it be considered clutter, smart idea.
Nice work, great looking boxes / books.
I just made one of these for a friend, except I put hinges on the front cover so that it opens when laying on the book back. She decorated the front cover with a crucifix and uses it to take communion to the home bound. 
These are so neat!!  Love the titles and all the details you incorporated.  Have to hide this from my two 😉
Thanks again for the nice comments.   


super kewl idea GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


Cool idea.  Great result.

No Bees. No Honey. Bees Lives Matter

Awesome idea and realisation!


That is a cool project. You could hide a lot of stuff in them on the bookshelf!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day