6 T Puzzle.

Boys and Girls,

This is my next instalment in my “Packing Puzzle” collection. This one was designed by Dr. Volker Latussek of Germany in 2017.  He must have been a shrink with the intention to give dummies a sense of achievement.  Not that I’m deriding him, however, it is the simplest puzzle I have in my all paka  menagerie… on a scale of 1-10 I rate it at a Pottzy level… though I(/you) didn’t/(won’t) realise that until I release my upcoming “Raya Box Puzzle” series sometime in the future… packing out the

due to lack of content.   
Another reverse engineering feat in SketchUp from the advertised pictures downloaded from the Internet,
and created this model,
 with the "innovation" of the 4mm thick Perspex top.
The pieces are laminated out of 6mm MDF with a base dimension of 12mm. The box is out of 3mm MDF and sized to allow a more than generous clearance in all 3D... which made balancing the inserted pieces inside the box a challenge by itself.
With my design, this lid finished up in two pieces 
which was CA’d to the box… this shortcoming started my drive to what eventuated in a conceptual re-design of the box (for all you eager beavers, to be revealed in later puzzle publication(s)). 
Again with no intention of initially publishing this puzzle, there is a lack of build photos… lucky I have my Fe$tool, one in each ear, for the deafening cheers.
Ha, ha… I lied, I found a couple of pictures… this, the pieces straight off the laser,
and this, just after the glue up before the dowel flush trim,
both squirreled away amongst my other unpublishable pickies.
For all you puzzle-holics, the model is available from the 3DW,

and the complimentary, stand alone A4 PDF solution. 
Even though I consider this an easy puzzle (for humans), this duck had to peruse it to enable the existence of gallery photo #5. 
Another puzzle that can easily be made out of solids, just make the inside of the box around 1mm larger than the 3 x 4 dimensions of your base measurement (mine is 12mm which would make the absolute inside box size 36mm x 36mm x 48mm... [+1mm in 3D... maths too hard fro me]). I also allowed 1mm clearance of the Perspex lid's "T" opening (0.5mm around the piece’s outer perimeter). 
22 down, 58 to go.
------------------------------------- ooooOOOOO The End OOOOOooooo -----------------------------------------
Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

The puzzle master strikes again 👍 🏆

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

I think you live to drop these off at targeted houses and while they are absorbed in solving, you can skitter off to the wine cellar and purloin a few token samples....

A bigger puzzle would involve dumping the assorted pieces of 2 or more complete puzzles into a sack.

Envious of your plastics cutting prowess! 
Far from master crowie... I just plagiarise, but enjoy giving them out for free... I get a similar small feeling like you do with your trucks.
I also get a kick out of playing around in SketchUp... I miss my programming days.

You're getting warm there Splinter... but, I slip in a dodgy piece (from a different puzzle) and then purloin their money box to head down to the "box store"... the contents of a cellar are way too classy for me... and my liver would be confused.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

This one and the previous one could make a nice set of gifts. 

 Steve Rasmussen 
This one and the previous one could make a nice set of gifts. 

Thanks eRasmus... I'm just drafting another post that has 8 puzzles in one.  That is a great gift for the puzzle fanatics.

The problem with most of these puzzles is getting the box right... not too big to permit wrong assembly, but not too tight to prevent it. The new post will address that issue.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD