King Box Puzzle.

Boys and Girls,

This is another one of my puzzles I recently plagiarised in the past few winter months. Built in the comfort and warmth of my office, away from the spiders in woolly UGG boots in my cold workshop… global warming be buggered… tell that to the gas company that slugged me with a $1,030 heating gas bill for 2 months.
It is a deviation from my run of the “Packing Puzzle” collection, however, do not fear, more packers will follow.  Nevertheless, it’s still another overhead on my ever decreasing real estate in my puzzle cabinet. 
Had a few pictures of this project, so I can dispense with the ad-lib filler narrative BS,
From these pictures downloaded from the Internet,
built up the following SketchUp model,
The pieces are laminated out of 4 layers of 6mm MDF with a base dimension of 24mm using 4mm dowels.  2mm tooth picks were used for alignment and the “blocks” were similarly attached to the box part,

The box is out of 3mm MDF and sized to allow a 1mm clearance in all 3D and the two openings.
For the engraving, it was a case of Timbermate backfilling the logo and over to the Mirka,
to clean up the backfill and remove the laser burns,
before the buffing (prior to glue up... as CA's brings a gun to the fight with the buff wax's knife).
In the initial design the top and middle font faces were the same shape though different sizes… 

Naturally I buggered up the order in one (of the two) assembly,
and had to promptly reshape them with alternating mortice and tenons for “foolproof” assembly,

I’m still offering the freebie software handouts,  in the form of the model  from the 3DW,

and the stand alone A4 PDF solution… the hardware you make yourself. 
This puzzle can easily be made out of solids with careful planning and execution, as is obvious from the picture that was plagiarised.
If anyone freaked out at the retail price of the Galette Puzzle, they may freak out at the asking of the $109.99CAN shekel weight… lucky those Kanuks are not market leaders.
For those keeping stats… another one down, won’t persecute yazall with what’s to follow.
------------------------------------- ooooOOOOO The End OOOOOooooo -----------------------------------------
Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

I like this one. Simple looking but challenging
Thanks C125... Just wait for my "Raya Box" installment... 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Charles would be pleased
Nice FEL too

Regards Rob

like the looks of this one, a bit different than the usual ones.   


Very Impressive Mr Duck!!!!
