Smoothing Plane Fence

One of the most used of my hand planes is my Stanley Bailey Smoothing Plane #3.
I love it!

When planing the edges of stock sometimes I found it challenging to get it perfectly square within a few strokes.

So I made this fence out of torrefied maple.

It attaches to the plane body side. It can be mounted on either side by flipping it.

Three rare earth magnets and a couple of shelfing pins allow a "hook and ladder" method of attaching it to the plane body side. The shelving pins stop forward and backward movement while planing.

As time went on and my skills improved the fence wasn't used much and then I bought this Edge Plane which pretty much replaced it.

However....yesterday I used the fence on the Smoothing Plane again and it was a joy!

I'm glad I made it. 

Thanks for looking!

Feel free to comment, ask questions and " thumbs up 👍" if you like it!


That’s a nice add on. Certainly helpful for narrow edges!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Thanks Ryan. It works very well and efficiently. Simple yet very functional. Sometimes something is created out of a need and turns out to be a gem. Even when it isn't used that often it still has value. 
Very slick! The offset gets your cutter right to the edge.
Very slick! The offset gets your cutter right to the edge.

I just used it again right now. Man 'o man it's fun. It sits in my cupboard and barely sees light and then it comes out in all it's glory! LOL.
Very nice design and execution MrRick, should be a great addition to your arsenal. Sweet.
Thanks Oldtool. I'm pleased with it and it's very quick and useful to use. 
Very nice idea and followup.   
