Mini Hi-Vise version 2

Well, the mini vice mount Hi-Vice I made about a year ago gets pretty much constant use, so it’s time to make a nicer one based on the prototype. 

Pretty happy with the design, but may as well make some changes to it for the final one.
1)        About an inch higher 
2)        Hardwood so it doesn’t vibrate 
3)        Slightly wider jaw 
4)        Bottom nut a little bit bigger to make it easier to spin 
5)        Some king of anti-rack mechanism 
6)        Detachable piece for clamping straight to the bench

Usual picture blog here for those that like that sort of thing.

Hand tool only build as normal - fairly straightforward, if a fair bit of rasp work for the shaping.
Anti-rack mechanism is simply a 1/2" screw through the back of one side of the vise jaws, works well and can be taken out completely if it get's in the way.

I'm happy with the look and feel of the final vise, but feel free to rip it apart in the comments 😁


Design by M.C. Escher?

Looks handy as all getout! 👍

Hate to figure a way to store it however 🤠
That's nice work MikeB_K!
For me I prefer your mini one. I'm pretty much all hand tools as well. Both your vises are gems! Thanks for the great writeups. 
Looks fit to purpose. And pretty in a Giger-esque sort of way. 

May you have the day you deserve!

Very impressive - lots of upgrades in this one.
Thanks all

Storage is easy splint, sits upside down on the jaws.
Does look guite a lot more Giger-esque though this way up, well, Aliens or Godzilla.
Beautiful vise Mike, I like the wooden threads and nuts, and the multicolor woods. Actually, it looks to pretty to use as a tool, might get nicked. Great work.
Beautiful work!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Nice build Mike. All of the improvements are good ideas. 
All WOOD...I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day