Model T Ford truck Money box

I commented in a blog about this project and how we are our own worst critics. After a careful start cutting all the component parts I came to fitting the back door hardware. I then realised I'd made the lock key hole too far to the left. Plenty of grizzling etc before coming to the conclusion I needed to start the door all over again.
You used to be able to buy the rear door assembly online but I've always made my own. I'd not made one of these for over three years and was taking my time. So start again we will. Watch this space as they say.....

Kerry - Working with wood, the smell the feel, is such a joy, its a meditation of sorts.


Just one step back and you'll be back on your way (and happier for addressing rather than looking back with any regret).  
as they say my friend, shit happens ! this is why you do the quality of work you do. we all do it, rip ourselves, then start again to make ourselves happy ! 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

It’s got to Fixed Or Repaired Daily Kerry or it’s not going to come First On Race Day. 

Could you just plug the original hole and make a feature?

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Could you just plug the original hole and make a feature?
They did that on a '64 Falcon I owned. Factory filled the dash board hole for the then optional AM radio with a plastic cover that said "Ford".
I think I'll quietly remake the rear door and do a bit more measuring as I go. The patch up splinter mentioned makes me smile. 

Kerry - Working with wood, the smell the feel, is such a joy, its a meditation of sorts.

Redemption is nigh after my door fo-par. Some final finishing touches and we're clear of the storm. All good, Henry (Ford) would be pleased.....

Kerry - Working with wood, the smell the feel, is such a joy, its a meditation of sorts.

After finishing in Danish oil I simply applied a mates special (secret herbs and spices) polish. Happy with the result.

Kerry - Working with wood, the smell the feel, is such a joy, its a meditation of sorts.


working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Well done 👍 Kerry, looks good sir. 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Great job! Scale it up and it'd smoke the current fleet of mail trucks!