“Bread Board” Display Box mounted on a lazy susan.

Boys and Girls,

Not necessarily an inspiring project, however, it fills out the last episode in my trilogy of  Fumanchu Fool Who Chewed
  1. Episode I  - An Old Man’s Tribute to His Old-man
  2. Episode II - 60 (+7) year old Bread under Glass.
  3. Episode III - This blog.
For once I am struggling to get the next new puzzle project formulated and that’s why the Fritz Flogs are flogging hogging the limelight… do not fear Pottzy I have plenty, rather on the wind than in the wind, however, my bowels seem to be blocked up and in the wind is having trouble escaping from the business end.
In the meantime,  this post that was published at LJ on 20 Mar, 2021, will fill the bill.
------------------------------------- ooooOOOO From LJ OOOOooooo -----------------------------------------
Boys and Girls
Nothing like resurrecting old projects… It's like going back to Dr. Plastic for that touch-up on the previous face lift.
Who said "the duck just buys the tools and jigs that he can afford but don't use?"…  Well it wasn't me, as I always finish saying, "don't  need!"…
Consequently I thought I'd allay all those derogatory rumours and prove those dissidents wrong.
It all started when some visitor said that the picture in my father's  'bread board'
was looking a bit insipid and lacking of colour.  Never letting an insult go unchallenged, I decided to remove the cover,
and turn the display case around to face the window
in order to catch a few UV rays on that cherubic face in the picture. Unfortunately gravity and friction decided to oppose me and heralded a potential to scratch the top of my video game's gun cabinet,
Furthermore, with my meticulous attention to precision, the door was flush with the cabinet and as the display hung over the top of the door, opening it dragged it's top on the underside of the display case base… klaxon sounded panic stations.
This was unacceptable and decided to ease the conflict by one of majuvla's (Ivan to new LJ members) lazy susans (LS)… well not one of his, that would be theft, but plagiarise his idea of LSs. Nevertheless it (the LS) must have been Croatian as it was an approx. 230mm in diameter… ya gotta brave the video for the evidence.
I set the wheels in motion… ok, rode the lift to the workshop, armed with the condemned display case (in my arms)… and without my indoctrinated support of SketchUp, actually formulated the shape of a basic circle in my brain for the base of the LS.…
Unfortunately my routine being disrupted by the abandonment of my standard preliminary SketchUp session, I forgot to take pictures and you only have the support of the video I made, with my typical incoherent rambling.
If not for the video, you could not have observed the following processes… (or skip reading further and watch the video),
  1. Description of my age and escape from the Commie invasion of Hungary.
  2. Laser cut a "rim" for the LS and observe the stuff up during "unboxing"… revealing the nationality (Croatian) of the approx. 230mm dia. LS.
  3. Find an appropriate circle in my dubious scrap bin
  4. Missed observing the recut "rim" was secretly tested to fit before disclosure.
  5. Explain the use of a laser cut radius template for my circler cutter.
  6. Setting up of above mentioned radius template.
  7. Mount a length of 19mm x 42mm on my SYS VAC to test the radius.
  8. Mount  some MDF as the victim of my dust free circle cutter.
  9. Watch me struggle due to a bad circle cutting jig design.
  10. Exploit the SYS VAC features to battle my cantankerous clamp rack.
  11. Glue the rim to the circular base and give some great advice on CA purchase.
  12. Hear my explanation why I will not sand it.
  13. Hear why I can't "not sand it".  
  14. Sand the rim and base flush after my glue-up stuff up.
  15. Miss out on watching me stain and varnish the base.
  16. Hear the explanation of what I thought was a bad circle cutting jig design was actually a bit of inspiration in the first place.
  17. Check out the dodgy forstner bit hole I cut with the blow-out.
  18. Get bored shitless watching a guy flock in front of your eyes.
  19. Contemplate overcoming the limitations of my LS attachment due to securing the picture holder ("bread board") to the display base.
  20. Drilled a few holes in the base for screw attachment.
  21. Mounted the LS.
  22. Basked in the glory of my succes.
All those above processes would have generated many pictures and a bloody long project… consider yourself spared.
After I started drafting this project, I remembered to continue and take pictures, however,  if you want to know what the above itemised bullshit is all about, you'll have to persevere through the video… linked somewhere  (not repeating again).
I quickly detected another problem… the project is now finished, so all you get pictures of is the display box on-top of the LS, back in its resting place,
Again I outdid myself with the video, not in any improvement in quality, but making it longer than some (ok, most) of my dragged out projects…
I normally avoid builds in videos as we all know how to operate a TS, DP, BS, ROS and GU, and filming that just drags the video out even more… however, I have used quite a few of my jigs and items I have reviewed, so I unashamedly kept the recording turning over.
To facilitate shorter attention spans I have split the video into 2 installments,
  1.    'Bread Board' Display Box, Part 1 - Preparing the Lazy Susan
  2.    'Bread Board' Display Box, Part 2 - Mounting the Lazy Susan
As always, my videos come warts and all… except the vino which I don't share.
Keep safe jocks... and your jocks safe!
------------------------------------- ooooOOOOO The End OOOOOooooo -----------------------------------------

Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


Very nice work!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

weird but well done my friend. but weird is what ive come to expect from you 😁

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

You mean the rayguns Pottzie... and I don't mean,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

well that and ..............................
hey ol raygun sure made Aus. proud huh 🙄🤪😵🥴

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I have an 8 x 10 glossy of her mounted on each wall of my house and workshop...

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

made me wish she was american 😏

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

You have enough crazies there... we need her here to lower our average IQ.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

i think she can help out with that 🤪

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

As I said, I love her.... she makes even me look good,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

i think she does, and thats not easy 🙄😁 but tone down the lip stick, that color is kinda call girl on you 😬

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

LBD I grew up with two Hungarian Oz boys. Both been very successful in their own ways. I recall their father driving down our street at way above the legal limit taking them to college and always running late. As a Father he was a tyrant, tough and his word was law. Education was drummed into these two boys but there was a cost emotionally. 
The classic was when the eldest blew several sheets of corrugated iron off the roof of his ad's shed whilst doing some science experiment, I left in a hurry that day......

What a beautiful tribute, some beautiful craftsmanship just as a reminder to you. Nice job LBD
PS: I do envy your set up and equipment, in a nice way.

Kerry - Working with wood, the smell the feel, is such a joy, its a meditation of sorts.

Thanks AL...  if you're ever down Gippsland way, drop in for a vino... I have breathalysers.


 Aussie Larks 
..... As a Father he was a tyrant,.... 
Sound like my old man was a bigamist and I have two brothers out there.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD