Tutu Puzzle.

Boys and Girls,

Been a while since I published a puzzle… The title has nothing to do with Raygun 
and her pirouette at the Olympics, that embarrassed all us Aussies, or even the attire I wear in the workshop 
when the nightie 
is being washed fumigated, but maybe attributed to the two “T” and two “U” shaped pieces 
in the puzzle... and for those that can't spell, tut-tut
Unfortunately while I am not lacking in puzzles, I’m sadly lacking in constructive commentary.
I made the MDF pieces first and didn’t consider that with the precision of the laser, there wasn’t enough wiggle room in the puzzle to permit rotation of the “T” piece between/into the “U”
I had to do some scraping and sanding on the “T” stem for smoother fit, 
Also had a similar issue with the pine pieces, where the “U” didn’t fit around the “T”… or was it the “T” didn’t fit into the “U”
when gluing up freehand. It had to be glued up with a cube between them,
to ensure satisfactory alignment/fit.
Then it was a case of assembling some laser cut boxes,
and one made with conventional tools,

only one breakage out of OGWOOFY,
then sanded  (removing the “tenons” off the laser cut boxes) and buffing, before it’s ready to sit waiting for an owner,
3DW model,

and the A4 PDF solution.
Anyone interested in my puzzles (or other authors’), you can see them all here in my “Puzzle Collection” .
If interested in any of mine (LBD), measurements can be made available on request for anyone not familiar with SketchUp… though a working knowledge of SketchUp’s navigation (as opposed to its design/use features) and access to 3DW could be of benefit.
All the solutions to my puzzles can be found at this link... 
Kids love ‘em and most of us are still kids.
Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

More brain teasers! Nice work on 'em!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day