Puzzle Cube.

Boys and Girls,

Another puzzle I brought across from LJ that was published there on the 4 July 2021 (under the name of Little Black Box Puzzle),

just so I can celebrate the Independance of puzzles in one place.

This puzzles dates back to when my emphasis was on the “jigsaw” genre rather than my current “packing” types… don’t fret, plenty more “jigsaw” types to come.
This current model has all pieces unique (version “C”)… you’ll have to read the LJ post below, to know what that means.

3DW Model,

the A4 PDF Solution, however, for the lazy readers, the orientation of the pieces in the screen dump below, is the solution… just move the pieces in till they interlock. 
Then it suddenly hit me, 
One thing I forgot to mention was the 30mm x 30mm x 30mm dimensions. 

----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO From LJ OOOOooooo --------------------------------------------- 

Little Black Box Puzzle.

Boy and Girls,

No, it's not a coop for me when the missus throws a wobbly though it may offer up a coup for the puzzle adversaries.

I was inspired DevinT's plane article to post another plain puzzle to keep pace with pottzy bowl turning statistics.

While I have already published a box puzzle, this is a subtle alternative as all the pieces are different and are in miniature form only for bagging and freebie handouts to unwary strangers… seeing as how I tried to sell them and after buying about 60 of them I started to run out of money.

This particular/peculiar cube consist of only 6 pieces
while the other was 12 and these pieces are not symmetrical and consequently orientation quadruples the degree of difficulty by an amount of 7.
Inspiration was derived from an Instructables article, however, I had to do enough customisation that it made this puzzle as much my baby as much as the "original and thereby unnamed  author"… OK. here is Mic100 for those that must know.
The primary driving force is governed by the fact that it comes straight off the laser and can be bagged and tagged without further intervention… though many claim it's harder to get my puzzles out of the baggies than solve them… phooey to them.

My initial design got a pooh-bah from me as two pieces were duplicates, which I discovered after making 20 of the puzzles. They became Puzzle Cube A with their separate set of solutions.

My second "corrective design" earned a double pooh-pooh-bah as I changed two pieces and left the original duplicates in tact… again discovered after making 20 of the puzzles…  These became Puzzle Cube B with their unique solution. The third take had me taking a bow, as finally all the pieces were different… I only made 1 of this (Puzzle Cube C) before realising I got it right.

Here are the three versions (A, B and C) roll call,
and assembled,
Then I had to put the bloody things back in their bags… a PITA for someone with a half++  dead left arm.
The final puzzle (this topic) is Puzzle Cube C which will hit any future production line.

Of these puzzles, these three made it to the sander and buffer and their size can be compared with my plane,

Now you can see why DevinT's plane inspired me and as the Aussies can relate… This (3) Is Going Straight To The Pool Room...

The little black one was stained black on the outside prior to buffing. It was one helluva chore getting my dodgy left hand into some nitrile gloves… raised that particular puzzle's degree of difficulty by 57.

Now it's just a case of finding some poor bunnies to give them to…

Incredible how everyone wants cheap-cheap, but seem hesitant in accepting freebies.

Actually it's quite humorous as I carry the puzzles around in my left pocket and people look at me with dread as I ferret around in my left pocket with my gummy left hand/arm in trying to fish a puzzle out… it is embarrassment for both me and them… at least I finish up with a smile… they run away.

Any documentation is available from my pCloud storage.
And if you prefer to watch  rather than read… this'll make you want to stick to reading.

Keep safe, jocks... and your jocks, safe!

----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO The End OOOOooooo ---------------------------------------------

Anyone interested in my puzzles (or other authors’), you can see them all here in my “Puzzle Collection” .
If interested in any of mine (LBD), measurements can be made available on request for anyone not familiar with SketchUp… though a working knowledge of SketchUp’s navigation (as opposed to its design/use features) and access to 3DW could be of benefit.
All the solutions to my puzzles can be found at this link... 
Kids love ‘em and most of us are still kids.

Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Like this one.   Deserves a Cherry Ripe!


Than 987... but I'll trade that CR for a cask-o-vino... mine's running low,

... same colour and I'll pay the difference. 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD