Blanket Rack

Picked up some barrel staves some years ago. Used them to build this blanket (throw) rack.

Picked out 1 stave for the cross member and started cutting dove tails. Interesting with nothing square to reference. Wanting to cover the fasteners that would screw into studs, I cut the two outside dovetails on 16” centers and cut 1 on center. The overall length of the stile is about 35”. 

Cut some keys and  fit to the dove tail slots. 

Used 3 stave ends for the hooks. Fit in dovetailed slots and trimmed flush with stave. Screwed a key to each “hook” . This allows the two outside hook to be installed after the rack is fastened to the wall.

Added oak pillows for some contrast to the burnt finish of the staves.  Sanded, wiped on varnish and hung on wall.
Interesting concept and work.


Nice!  The oak is a nice design feature. 
Hmm. The closer you look, the better it gets.  Nice job.