Sam Maloof Style Rocking Chair Walnut Rocker Burl Veneer Carved Sculpture


One of the great moments of my life was the chance to meet Sam Maloof and shake his hand. I was so overwhelmed by the moment that I could hardly breathe or talk, my heart was racing, my hands were sweating…..but I did say, “Thank you Mr. Maloof for all of your inspiration….” That’s about all I could say, and I hardly got those few words out. He lectured and judged the exhibits at the Western Design Conference in 2006 in Cody, WY where I was an exhibitor that year. If you don’t know Sam’s story, I highly recommend getting his autobiography, and the Taunton Press DVD made in the late-1980’s.

His work is amazing, the Rocking Chair is my favorite example of his styling. I have built a few rockers in his style, these are photos of one of them. I try to bring a little of my own detail to Sam’s design, sculpted curves on the back of the Crest Rail, burl walnut veneer on the face of the Spindles, and a few little tweaks here and there.

If you are looking for someone to build you a rocking chair, please visit my Commissions Page in my Store, where I have the Maloof-Style Rocking Chair listed.

Thanks for reading,
Mark A. DeCou

Mark DeCou Studio (

Great rocking chair.
The chatoyancy of the wood is striking. I am pretty sure your experience in working the wood has something to do with it.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

what an honour to have met “the man” :)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

beautiful rocker, you did it's so funny reading about you meeting sam,i had an identical situation. i was at a wood show and waited to have him sign a book. someone tapped me on the shoulder and said do you mind if we step ahead and get a picture with sam.i was thinking wait your was david marks another idol of of course i said,go right ahead.when i finally got up to sam i was nervous and just said what you did and walked away.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Beautiful Chair, wonderful memories of meeting Sam. Thanks for sharing.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)