A turning of an ole Lamp


Here is one of my first turnings. It is ceder and a shellac finish. This is an attempt to look like an ole coal oil lamp.
Video here


That’s pretty. I need to get more into turning. That knot would have scared me. Good stuff, David

I'm the one with the beard

Gary I didn’t know it was there and it scared me to. I was going to hollow the base but gave up that idea.

That is nice.
I have to revisit shellac next time I turn cedar. I tried it once with bad results and hadn’t thought about trying it again.
You didn’t hollow it, but if you ever do another, have you thought about using a forstner bit to drill out the center to outer potpourri or cedar chips is? I wouldn’t try it on this one now only because of the knot.

Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.

Thank you William. The shellac was put on in a french polish method while the piece was spinning. I was pushing this because of the size.
The finish was fast. I HATE WAITING ON FINISH.
The biggest bit I have is a 1 inch. I do need to get a lager set.

I must admit, my head went somewhere else at first. Darn delinquent kids these days. Beautiful finish though!

I picked up a piece of cedar and used some of it to make BS boxes. I hadn’t though about turning cedar, but by the way that finishes up, I will definitely add cedar to my list of “turnables” Thanks!


Hella707 you are not the first to say that.
Thank you.
Mike with a bit of shellac it come out real nice. This was a tree out of my yard.
Thank both of you folks for the kind words.

Nice Dave, isn’t it amazing how the wood can surprise us with what is inside.

Very nice.
It looks like some lamp I know.
It brings back some fond memory.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I love it Tim and with turning the project starts and finishes in a few hours.
Thank you Ianwater.
Thanks guys!

Nice turning dave

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

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