Passive phone amplifiers


These are a couple passive phone speaker amplifiers designed around the Galaxy S5. One for my oldest son, one for my wife, and one for me. Most music sounds pretty good on them, but heavier alternative type music definately has some distortion. If I make any more, I’ll try to smooth out the channel and make a more open chamber to see if that helps. If anyone has made any of these, and has some tips on getting cleaner sound, please let me know!

Thanks for looking, and have a great day!


I will make one and let you know if I did any better.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

good idea I am going to my shop to try one thanks for the project


looks cool nice work David

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Yes, I agree with them!
That design Rocks!
I have the same phone, I’ll have to try and make one too.
Thanks for the inspiration.

Steve Tow

These look really cool David.

Is your samsung speaker at the bottom of the phone?

Mine is at the top, and the music player app wont rotate upside down. I was wondering if you could extend the channel higher somehow?

Darrin McArthur

Thanks everyone. I cant wait to find out how everyones turns out!

Darrin – The S5 and I think the S4 have the speaker at the bottom right when the screen is facing you. The S6 has it on the bottom edge, similar to the Iphone. For the phones with the speaker in the top left like the S3, you could make a larger design, or try going longer and placing the phone on its side in the cradle.

Thanks again, and have a great day!