HotWheels display shelf


Some days ago, while cleaning my children’s room, we notice how many little cars my youngest son has. He had a big box where he keeps them – amongst many other toys – so my wife wanted to show all his collection and suggested me a shelf or some sort of display for them.

After looking at some other designs I opted for this particular one. It is made of 20×150mm pine boards and it extends approximately 650×900mm. It has 6 selves and displays up to 130 HotWheels. I wanted it to be natural color, but we decided to do white instead and to add a design or label inside to make it more colorful and enjoyable. We browsed for an image on the internet and found a good HQ city plan image with roads and landscape and we printed it on 4 letter size pieces and joined them together.

My son enjoyed a lot the display and he actually was the one who sorted them by colors. God job Son!

Now, the challenge is to put them back again in place after playing… ha ha!

Thanks for watching and for your valuable comments!

- Man most valuable tools are his hands, his brain and the passion he delivers to his projects -

Very cute!

Losing fingers since 1969

Very cool idea and a fine build.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Nice work and fine looking young man.
