Cherry salad spoons and coffee scoop


Cherry salad spoons with blackened bowls.
Cherry coffee scoop with blackened 2 tablespoon bowl.

I do not have attention deficit disor.................hey look, it's a bunny!

these are awesome!!!!
absolutely GORGEOUS .

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Very nicely done. They look awesome. Good job.


Beautiful. How did you blacken the bowels?

Losing fingers since 1969

Beautiful wood, design and craftsmanship.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Thanks for the nice comments everyone, just new to this site.
Brian I blackened the bowls with a blowtorch, it’s a process I have been messing with that has either great results or ends up as kindling.

I do not have attention deficit disor.................hey look, it's a bunny!

(not to take away from your beautiful creation and the kudos) we almost had a lot of blackened wood for you to use …. this was our afternoon, with the fire being 100 yards from our home. If Rick hadn’t noticed it and taken action… all would have been gone, I’m sure.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Geez, glad everyone is ok.

I do not have attention deficit disor.................hey look, it's a bunny!

Beautiful What a contrast on the spoon.

Glad you are fine MsDebbie

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Very nice work Thomas they look great

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