Workbench chevalet


I started building a chevalet. I want to thank Paul (aka shipwright) and Mike for their help. Downloaded the Sketch up drawing made by Paul.

I don’t have adequate place for a stand alone chevalet so I build one out of two pieces. This two piece I can mount on/too my workbench. I don’t have planned to do marquetry work but want to use the chevalet for my toy making work and also want to do some intarsia work on it. I hope this will work.

The only thing I bought was a 1 mtr. 12 mm tube and some saw blades. For the rest I used only that what I had in store.

I also made some blog entries about the building process.

Thanks for watching

I think it’s brilliant, D. Very clever reinvention of a classic tool. I’ve seen it’s results. You’ll do magic with it in time.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Wow, your chevalet came out great Jan. I had no idea you were making a bench model. It looks like a winner to me. It will be interesting to hear how you are using it and what you’re experience with it is. I’m sure this model will be well suited for those who want to have a chevalet, but who are not sure if they will be using it a lot. Your design is compact and a lot easier/cheaper to build.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Looks like a winner Jan.
We await the fine work it will produce……. and some work in progress photos of course. :-)

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Interesting design.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Wow very impressive,now let the marquetry begin.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker