Live Edge Dining Table


A Pecan tree was dying in the neighbors yard and had to be taken down. The wife wanted a new dining room table. This is why the result was. Bye the way we did use some of the wood to smoke some meat.

Augie's WoodCrafts

did you do your neighbor a favor and take it down for him.Nice looking table,looks heavy

Retirement is not as easy as I thought it would be

Great workmanship!! Many more great memories to be shared around that table.

Bill, He had a tree service taking it down, they just left 10’ of the trunk in my yard for me.

Augie's WoodCrafts


Great use of that tree. Did you make your wife lift that monster into the yard to take that picture? It looks like it could weigh a ton! What a lovely table!


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

L/W. The table is heavy but the base comes apart it is wedged through tenon

Augie's WoodCrafts

Gorgeous and having the story behind the wood, well, :) :)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

What a masterpiece. Many a family memory for generations will be had around that beauty.


Just gorgeous, both the wood used and the design.

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