A box made from Cocobolo


I recently built a new table for sculpting and dust collection and was anxious to give it a try and see if it worked as good as I hoped. This is the box that was my first project on the new table.
It is 10×7×5 and has a leather lined interior bottom. The finish is lacquer and buffed out.

Greg the Cajun Box Sculptor

That’s a beautiful box. The cocobolo Is awesome and your carving did it justice.
Where do you get your cocobolo from? What does it go for?

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thanks lanwater…this was a fun box to make because I always have really liked working with Cocobolo. I have enough Cocobolo left to make one more box and I really need to find a good source for more that is reasonably priced..if reasonably priced exists for this wood anymore.
Years ago I bought a bunch of Cocobolo at a very reasonable price averaging about $9 bf. Some of the boards were as wide as 10" and as long as 96". I still have a board or two that is 3″×6″ x42

Greg the Cajun Box Sculptor

Wow some nice boards.

It’s got so expensive I don’t even dare looking at it.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I can easily afford to look at it…but buying it is so painful…the problem is that I don’t see anyone around here carrying it anymore except for the little scraps/cutoffs that are only large enough for pens and small bowls

Greg the Cajun Box Sculptor

Beautiful wood and outstanding build.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker