Mountain Man Hat


First, I just have to say what a good sport Rick is for modelling this hat for me (in the second photo)! (I love how he posed!)
And secondly, it still cracks me up - I laugh every time I see his picture!

The hat:
I adapted this hat, trying to make it floppier LINK

The beard:
I used the same beard pattern as in the other beard hat and then just added the long beard, lots and lots of yarn.

Attaching it to the hat … this was harder than I expected. Because of the weight of the beard, I keeps pulling down too low, as you can see in the picture with Rick.
So… rather than securing it to the hat, I just tied it on with the yellow “straw” strings. These, then can be moved back to tighten it.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit