Snowflake Scarf & Fingerless Gloves


It started out as,… .. well.. a ball of chunky yarn.

And I made a pair of fingerless gloves. Not the best yarn for this and I don’t even know why I chose that idea for this wool.. but that’s what happened.
The loves are rather bulky but, comfortable and warm!

And then I was looking at snowflakes and thought that they would make a lovely scarf to match the gloves!

The Gloves
The gloves are rows of sc, done in the back of the stitches, creating a ribbing effect, for the cuffs. I then slip stitched the rectangle together and continued on with sc around the top edge of the circle.
The pattern for the top half is hdc, chain 2, skip 1 …
after one row, I did a “chain 3” for the thumb opening and did one more row with the pattern, putting 3 (hdc/ch2) in the opening.
I finished off with a row of sc at the top.

The tricky part of this, for me, was that I did the first glove several days ago and had forgotten what I had done. There was some head-scratching going on, for sure!

The Scarf

  • chain 5, to create a loop
  • create bases for 6 snowflake points into the loop: hdc, chain2 [first set is chain 4]
  • connect the last one to the first with a slip stitch and then slip stitch into the next chain 2 space
  • in each space, create the snowflake points, as follows…
  • slip stitch into the space, chain 3, slip stitch into the space again, chain 5, slip stitch into the space again, chain 3, slip stitch into the chain again, chain 1.
    To join the snowflakes to make the scarf, you can stitch them together OR …
  • in the fifth snowflake point, chain 3, slip stitch into the space again, chain 3, slip stitch into the “chain 5” point of another snowflake, chain 3, slip stitch into the space (finishing the chain 5 of the pattern); chain 3, slip stitch into the space, chain 1, slip stitch into 6th space;
  • repeat above, attaching it to the same snowflake

I wish I had …..
the strategy above left too much of a gap, for me, between the snowflakes, so I wish I had connected them better.
I wish I had done the following as I crocheted, so I didn’t have to tie them together after…

See the big gap? I don’t like it - BUT I did leave the last one open like this so I could pass the other end of the scarf through it. It works really well.

I tried joining the “same” chain 3’s together .. but that doesn’t look right.

So I connect the “opposite” chain 3’s.

Looks much better (and “next time”, I will do this as I’m crocheting instead of joining them after)

So there you have it ….. my snowflake scarf and fingerless gloves.

Yarn: almost the full ball of 131 yards.
It worked up rather quickly.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit