"O Canada" Granny Square


I do like a challenge … or, I should say, the opportunity to learn something new.

Our Summer Awards is all about granny squares (of which I’ve only ever made one, before.. see below). Since we are celebrating Canada Day this week, I thought I’d create a maple leaf square.
I think plain white squares in-between the maple leafs would result in a beautiful Canadian afghan.

The Pattern
Row 1. (with red)

  • magic ring, with 10 sc

Row 2.

  • a. (lower point, left) chain 4; slip stitch into the same stitch; sc into next stitch
  • b. (side point, left) chain 8; slip stitch into next stitch; sc into the next stitch
  • c. (top point, right) chain 10; slip stitch into the next stitch; sc into the next stitch
  • d. (side point, right) chain 8; slip stitch into the next stitch; sc into the next stitch
  • e. (lower point, right) chain 4 slip stitch into the same stitch; sc into the next
  • f. (stem) chain 6; turn and sc into the spine all the way down; slip stitch into the next

Row 3.

  • g. 2sc around chain (a.); chain 3 to make a point; 2 sc down the other side of (a.); slip stitch into next
  • h. 4sc around chain of (b.); chain 3; sc into chain (b.); chain 5; sc into chain (b.); chain 3; 4 sc down other side of chain (b.); slip stitch into next
  • i. 5sc around chain of (c.); repeat the 3 points created above, in “h”; and 5 sc down other side of chain (c.); slip stitch into next
  • j. repeat “h”
  • k. repeat “g”
  • l. slip stitch down the chain, chain 3, slip stitch back ; fasten off

Row 4. (with white)

  • m. join yarn at “chain 3” of bottom of stem; chain 4; sc into into chain of lower point;
  • n. chain 4; sc into first chain of side point; chain 1; 3sc in middle chain; chain 1; sc into third chain;
  • o. repeat “n”
  • p. repeat “n”
  • q. sc into chain of lower point, chain 4; 2 sc into chain of the stem

Row 5.

  • r. chain 3; dc into same stitch; 4 dc across chain
  • s. dc into first point; chain 3; 3d into centre point; chain 3; dc into next point; 4 dc across chain
  • t. repeat “s”
  • u. repeat “t”
  • v. dc into point; 4 dc across chain; dc into stem and slip stitch into beginning
    ( 5" square)

oh, and this chart may not be pretty but it could help .. maybe …

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit