Lazy Susans


These are some Lazy Susans that I made. They are 14 inches in diameter. I used maple, cherry, purpleheart and walnut in combinations that seemed to complement each other. They are on Lazy Susan mechanisms that are available cheaply on line. I find that the really cheap ones are very noisy. I finished them in 6 coats of poly and a couple of coats of wax.
Thanks for looking


Beautiful! I just love Purple Heart before it turns back to brown, but even when it does it’s still beautiful.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

I’ve not experienced the changeover of color although I know it happens! I try to keep everything in the sun… including me (sunny disposition ;-)


Looks great Ellen. The maple and cherry look great with the purple heart. I like the purple heart. I bought a plank of it not so long ago, but I haven’t yet decided what to do with it. I understand that it is very hard and dulls tool edges pretty quick, but the color is just too interesting to ignore it.

Mike, an American living in Norway

I really like your lazy Susan’s!! What kind of glue and stain did you use?

I use Titebond III on all my work. I find that it lasts and gives me piece of mind. I don’t stain anything I make. I just use different wood species.
Thanks for looking.


That’s beautiful ,I really like the wood combo.

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