Contemporary Coasters


I’ve seen lots of cutsie coasters around but nothing too contemporary for my modern tastes. These little coasters are a quick project that used scraps. Each coaster is 4 × 4 and 1/2 inch thick. I used walnut and purpleheart in these but I also have some that are maple with walnut accents. The inlays are also scraps! I did the inlay using the router table and they went very quickly. I did the straight inlay before cutting and then went back and did the corner inlay. I have had many requests for them. They are finished in 4 coats of spar varnish and hold up very well.
Thanks for looking.



Very nice. Thick too, they should last forever.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

These look very nice Ellen and it’s a good time of the year to give them a proper workout!

Mike, an American living in Norway

Very nice! How does the finish hold up to moisture directly on it?

Amor Vincit Omnia

I’ve been using mine for about 4 years and all I ever do is wipe them off… no stains or rings.


I always like the look created by using different woods in combination. Great choices in all your creations.


Beautiful coasters Ellen ,just like everything you make.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Very attractive.
I have one design problem with flat coasters. When used with cold drinks tend to condense moisture on the outside and then the water on the bottom of the glass forms a seal between the coaster and the glass. So when you pick up the drink the coaster comes with it. I haven't found a solution but possibly small grooves in the coaster could help break the seal.
Those look great, like the idea of using scraps on them. Well done.

Main Street to the Mountains

I really like the designs and the rich color of the woods. Thanks for posting. You gave me a great idea for a project. 

James McIntyre

Those are awesome and well done. Once a year or every other I use my scrap box to do the same.  It's fun to see what you can make from "Nothing".  Unfortunately Purple-heart never makes it into my scrap box.  Again, they are cool, well done!
