Bois D'arc (Osage Orange)


A friend of mine cut this piece of Bois D’arc from his ranch and wants me use use it. It is 7.5 foot long, 8" dia one end and 5" the other. I have 2 BBQ pits/grills. I also have a workshop with a 14" band saw and other tools. This log was cut yesterday. My question is; Am I looking at fire wood or, is there enough here to cut and sticker for several months to make it worth it. I was thinking of make some kind of boxes.

I have never used this wood before. But I do know 2 things about it. 1. it is heavy. 2 it is very hard.

First pic shows log. The rest show approx a third each

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Hey Madts
Every piece of wood is good to have and if you got a lathe this maybe a good one for a few bowls or turned box .
Try slicing some veneer from it .

I see about 500$ – 700$ worth of bow staves . No band saw needed .
Cross cut the thick end to 4’
Split it with a froe and/or wedges and sell them , if you are looking for a
quick turn around .
Quick cash ( maybe : ) . So as not to sound like advice , I emphasize the word
" maybe " . Have fun ……nice tree .

I see a lot of strait sections and lots of beautiful boxes.
I never resawed a tree so I can only imagine what it take.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Osage is very dense, and dries Very slowly. It’s a prime wood for turners, and would make lovely boxes if you can dry it without splitting (eliminate the pith.) I processed several logs a few years ago, and the bowls I’d done just shimmer with chatoyance. They’re beautiful.

Might As Well Dance :

That’s beautiful, BarbS…It reminds me of salmon only golden. I love salmon….golden salmon….mmmmmmsushi

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

It does! I hadn’t thought of that…

Might As Well Dance :