Hi everyone, I just recently found this site and thought I’d say hi.
I live in British Columbia on Vancouver Island. I love woodworking but I also love working with metal and stone.
I am an artist. As well as doing sculptural pieces I also build furniture, cabinets, millwork etc.. I usually do my own design work but I am happy to collaborate with people too.
My favourite thing is to combine different elements in one piece…wood, steel, stone, copper….they work so well together!
I have been doing this “professionally” for about 15 years although I have a few years experience with post and beam construction. As well, I did my first life drawing class at age 13 so I’ve always been in to the arts.
I have a fairly large diverse portfolio and I’ll slowly add pieces as we go… also, I am a bit of a tool junky! lol
I have developed a fairly decent shop (wood as well as metal fabrication) but (of course) room is always an issue!

Looking forward to sharing ideas, tips etc. Always open to learning and if I can help anyone, even better




10 Replies

Hi Angellos and welcome to our community.

Your sculptures are amazing!

-- Michal, http://WoodworkingWeb.com

Welcome. Glad to see you here!

Martin Sojka, Maker of Craftisian

Hi from North Carolina. Always good to meet another wood worker and artist. I too am an artist (I think) My art tends to be in the form of knives, I carve the handles, wood and antler carving, furniture, painting, drawing and incorporating all of the above. I am looking forward to seeing some of your work.

Welcome! I was born on Vancouver island, but now hail from PEI. I am looking forward to seeing some work of yours, spifically all the multiagency medium pieces. Another who believes he/she who dies with the most tools wins advocate!

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Typo multi media….

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!


From what you have shown so far, I would love to see what will follow.
Great work.

Combining the element is not easy. Artist seem to have no problem with it.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I have only been on this site for a few days… but I have to say from what I have seen so far this a fantastic community with a lot of really talented people in it.


Hi from Richmond BC. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. I love your Mountain Thunder piece.
