Gloat Worthy?


I don’t know if this is gloatworthy, but I bought a Jet JMI 1014 off craigslist for $275.00.

It included:

- A set of (eight) “Benjamin’s Best” knives $100.00
- Two old knives, just because, and value unknown.
- A few turning kits for pen, etc $30.00
- Step chuck $107.00
- Pen turning mandrel $27.00
- Poly carbonate face shield

Add to the foregoing a stack of wood, including some zebra or similar wood. Enough for a few [or several] hundred blanks, if cut on the band saw.

Add to that, the live center I bought to turn, using my drill, fits it perfectly.

I’ve never even touched a lathe before, so this would make a great starter, I suspect. Too, it’ll allow me to quit beating up my drill press for those occasional turning jobs I have to do.

good deal , you will love working with a lathe


Sounds like a “You suck” salutation is in order !!

Regards Rob

Yep, checked the price on Amazon, and that is indeed gloat worthy….and, as Robert said, You Suck….lucky dog

The kid who sold me everything said his friend sharpened his tools for him and said the no name knives (a gouge and a skew) weren’t worth sharpening.

I touched the gouge up with my 1" sander and used it to turn my first project, a cylinder mallet, from sycamore. It seemed like a valuable part of the collection.

I suspect the former owner wasn’t all in on his hobby. I turned a nice mallet (first real project) from a chunk of the several hundred pounds of sycamore I got from a craigslist free ad and it seems apparent sharpening breaks are a must, so sending knives out to be sharpened seems a quick way to kill a hobby before it starts.

Super deal

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Good deal. You must have a great drill press to do turnings on it. I tried it a couple of times on mine and didn’t get anywhere with it. LOL

Losing fingers since 1969

I used my Rotozip as a knife. Tried a trim router first, but it was too hard to control. With the Zip, I was able to duplicate a 3-1/2" leg for an antique miniature writing desk. Before that, it was a chair leg.

Rasps and things worked good for detail work then the final run was, of course, with sandpaper.

I let the Zip drag on the back side, rather than cutting into it like my Router Crafter or using a knife on a lathe.

Oh, and the drill press is just a floor model Ridged unit and doesn’t even have a taper chuck.

Of course, rotozip. That’s brilliant. I should try that. I have a small bench top drill press set up in a flip top table. I think I can probably flip it 90° and jury rig some kind of redneck tail piece. I’m going to try that out. :-)

Losing fingers since 1969

Gads, this thing is addictive. I think I have about the equivalent of five hundred dollars worth of handles on my not insignificant collection of files.

I glued and stacked a bunch of 1" plus squares, then turned them. Though it was the hardest turn I’ve done so far (had to sharpen a couple times just for a five inch turning), the combo of acacia, koa, mahogany, walnut and sycamore makes for a beautiful handle for something, as well as several stoppers.

I have a trunk full of new corks and I’m noticing there isn’t much wood to toss, when the lathe is figured in.