Home button


Could you put a home button/logo in the center of the top navbar? Going through the drop down is kind of a pain for my fat clumsy fingers on the phone. Thanks.

Losing fingers since 1969

I have a Droid Brian and the home button is one of 3 larger icons at the bottom of the phone.


Jack, I think you misunderstood. I’m asking for a link at the top of the woodworkingweb page that, when clicked, will take you to the home page of woodworkingweb.com. I pretty much only look on the phone, and the mobile pages lack that feature. This link exists on the “full” site viewable on a computer screen.

Losing fingers since 1969

So many screen sizes for phones, Brian :) I will try to add it somehow though. Thanks.

Martin Sojka, Maker of Craftisian

LOL, sorry Brian. You must excuse old people. Merry Christmas to you and your family.


Merry Christmas to you and yours as well!

Losing fingers since 1969


Top centre of the nav bar is the logo for WorkworkingWeb. Click on that and it takes you to the home page. (Actually, that is a general tip for many, if not most, web pages. Try it, you should find that it works).

But yes, having something in the nav bar that says “Home” would be more obvious.

That logo does not appear on my screen. It used to appear in landscape mode, but that changed some time ago as well. All I have is the drop down menu and search button.

Losing fingers since 1969

Ah, sorry. Missed the phone bit. I’m working on a PC. Hopefully Martin can get it sorted.