Fun and Fame Through Turning


My wife and her sister owned a maw and paw store in Eastern Washington. They ran it for thirty-nine years. Just before it sold, a couple months ago, I started leaving little turnings on the counter with a “FREE” sign on them. She said the grown ups spent as much time sorting through them as the kids did.

I make a lot of little turnings just to pass time when finishes are drying, or just for a diversion. There are too many to keep and the material is usually nothing more than 2×2 pieces that would have become the neighbor’s fire wood.

Since the wife doesn’t have the store anymore, I was scheming other ways to tickle fancies. I was thinking of ways to “introduce” turnings to the public. On a whim, I’ve been tossing little ones here and there where people walk a lot, including kids prone to treasure collecting.

It’d be fun to get others doing it too. I suspect it would not take long and we’d make the news.

Enterprising turners interested in such could initial them, put codes on them and places on the net could be set up to redeem turning lesson, or whatever. The possibilities are endless and more people could be introduced (addicted to) wood turning.

Join Geocaching and add them as “finds”.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Inasmuch as I don’t have a smart phone, I know nothing about the subject. Could you elaborate?

interesting idea.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

this sounds like a great challenge idea!!!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

I like the geocaching idea from Madts.


Geocaching is a modern day treasure hunt. Using smartphone, GPS or a map for that fact go to positions mark and try to find place places placed by others. Tradition is that you leave an item to the cache and also take an item in the cache.
Fun way to spend a day in nature with the kids/grandkids.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Very cool! HOWEVER, be aware of the uncool predators placing “wrong” geo-location" points. I guess it may be connected to that “poke-mon” ’chit going ’round but just be aware…
