Hints and tips that some may not have heard of.

48 entries

21 Refresh the memory and Graffiti your tools.

Boys and Girls,   As I grow older,  my memory barely remembers where I put down my cask-o-vino,  [LBD_Old, glassed toothed.png] let alone what mea...

22 Stop banging your head against your bed's head board...

and I don't mean that in the pleasurable way. Boys and Girls,  Just did this today... with still my dodgy leftie (arm)... so here you are. If y...

23 Go/NoGo indicator for the Band Saw

Boys and Girls, Previously published at LJ on 29th. May,2019 after being inspired by another blog.  I eagerly started up a series labelled “Safe...

24 Does your compressor wake up the neighbours?

 Boys and Girls,   Life is so ironic... this article has never been published before.   The irony is not in never publishing but rather I’m publi...

25 Bessey KRE-VO... Completed upgrade.

Boys and Girls, Trying not to bore all to tears by dragging across my LJ posts, the projects may be an ego trip, but these hints/tips may actuall...

26 One point shop vac clean up.

Boys and Girls, This was posted at LJ on the 26th. December, 2017 as a project.  I have migrated it across and slapped it under my Hints series ...

27 That Can can get you into trouble if you painting

Boys and Girls, Just to get your attention, [Can can.png] Out of the thousand reasons most (including me) hate painting, I feel that decanting s...

28 Help to get Unhinged

Boys and Girls,   These type of folding hinges, [01.png]  seem to be a popular addition in workshops for outfeed tables [02.png][03.JPG] inside/out...

29 Safety in Numbers.

Boys and girls, The Boys started to prattle on about keyless locks on pottz patio and garden I thought that rather than add my bit of BS there, I...

30 Review/Hint for a Portable Spindle Sander.

Boys and Girls,   While I’ve had this item for a while,  [01.png] I planned to discuss/review it on LJ at the time they did their upgrade, which to...