Hints and tips that some may not have heard of. #29: Safety in Numbers.

Boys and girls,

The Boys started to prattle on about keyless locks on pottz patio and garden I thought that rather than add my bit of BS there, I might as well migrate one of the articles I wrote on LJ on 1st. Jan, 2020.  


Safety in Numbers.

Boys and girls,

When it comes to security, my ample body is guarded by a whalebone girdle, however, the contents of my residence is guarded by a combination lock.

I wanted to review my combination lock, however, I thought a blog on pros and cons of combination locks in general would be better suited. I have grouped it under Workshop Tips as it is just as applicable to the workshop as to the house.

While a combination lock removes the need to carry keys around, it does infer some degree of memory retention of a few chosen numbers.

When I moved into my Richmond (Cremorne for the upper class) residence in 1990, I was concerned that hostile visiting benefactors may donate some worthwhile items in my residence while I was away and I was not prepared to accept the additional clutter.

After consultation with a locksmith, I concluded that a combination lock may be the way to control uninvited access to mycastle (eat your heart out rc).
As renovations became more profound, I had to provide access to tradies. Now I used a 5 digit access code (with one being "Y"), of which I pre-coded 4 digits and instruct them to just enter "Y" to provide access (won't go into my tirade that some people couldn't spell "Y"… probably the same that are still looking for the X … it was a one time only access so if they were there for the day and had to go out, the place was either left open or they couldn't get in again as the 4 pre-entered numbers would get wiped.

Moved to Churchill in 2010 and took myself, including the combo. Fitted the lock to my front door (didn't think it was constructive to fit to the neighbors… they would have complained anyway as I knew the combination). Bugger them!

Wallowed through the annals of time and many tradies were revelling in the "Y" access, and one day I found this Samsung digital lock in Bunnings… 
telling you the door is open/closed. DOH! As if I'm gonna walk through a closed door (when I'm sober). It also comes with one of these magnetic keychain dongles 
that you can attach to that keychain, you now don't carry around as you have the combination lock… who invents these things?
The beauty of these digital locks are,
  1. Digit entry sequence is enforced adding greater security for key set-ups with few numbers. Digits can also be repeated as with the manual, you push the button once and it's set.
  2. Can have many different combinations.
  3. Card entry for those memory blocking adventures, upon staggering home.
  4. If you are stupid, you can still choose to use a key. 
  5. The keypad lights up and is clearly legible in the dark.

What I have found that when it comes to tradies (or any temporary foreign access) I use their mobile number as their entry code and delete it after the job is done.
Not that I'm overly security conscious, affectively I have 5 different access points (with internal/external and some double locks) to the house with security doors over some… that adds up to 18 keyed alike locks… If a dodgy tradie decided to copy a loaned key, that'd be 18 new tumblers at $25 each +inconvenience I'd have to replace. I've done this elsewhere in the past, but then I only had 2 locks to consider.
You may notice that there is still a manual combination lock above the digital on the front door… 
the reason is that the Samsung digital cannot be secured from the inside. The lock can be engaged but anyone can open it from the inside.. 

The manual has a 2 way deadlock that secures both inside and outside. I use this as well for prolonged trips from the house… normally it's left unlocked.
I had the normal Lockwood deadlocks on one of my backdoors and a manual combination on the workshop (inside was lockable). Again you may see 2 locks on my workshop… I do not use the lower circular lock (except on long trips).
I was strolling through Bunnings one day, looking for things I could afford but did not need and came across a digital version of the Lockwood manual combination deadlock. 

My backyard Bunnings did not carry this line when I bought the Samsung
The beauty of these locks was that you can replace the outside keypad and retain the inside keyed lock.
it also comes with a magnetised credit card sized access "key" that fits snugly into a wallet,
providing it's not packed out with currency notes (your wallets safe rc)... Just don't confuse it with your Dan Murphy's card,
as it sends shop security buzzers troppo!
Now here in Victoria, our "ever caring" government decided to pass a law that a spa environment has to be kiddie secure… 1 week after I bought my new spa…
I had to fence it in and make entries secure. Fortunately, now I had a location for the old manual combination locks,

Unfortunately in this electronic age we are continually faced with battery issues… no, not getting beaten up (well, yes, that can be an issue) but running out of juice. For me, I am fortunate that with 3 digital combination locks they should not all run out at the same time and on prolonged trips I do take a key with me as backup on one of the keyed entry.
Alternatively the Samsung has a "backup" key (if you carry it around based on your keyless principle).
A "dead" Lockwood can be jump started with a 9V battery… and we all carry one around… actually the workshop has one of these locks right behind where I park the car and I always (repeat always) carry at least one of these 9V torches 
(hell I can see another review coming up) in the car.
Word of warning… never advertised in the spruiking literature, an adverse sun on the keypad could block out visibility of the numbers…. for me that was a big gotcha as I had to cup the keypad to see, however, was rectified when I built the carport in front/over the door.
While on the topic of ????
  1. The Samsung opens automatically on correct key entry… the Lockwood still requires a turn of the knob… and a correct key… the decision is yours… "hands free" or drop the package to turn the knob.
  2. The Samsung has ease of criminal exit… the Lockwood needs a key (or a hacksaw/sledge hammer) to exit. The latter not an issue in most workshops…
  3. Samsung uses 2 batteries… Lockwood uses 4 and lasts twice as long and easier to replace. 
  4. Samsung uses aster (*) to confirm entry… Lockwood tells you you're an idiot with the same key. A mix of the two (which I have) can be confusing/frustrating.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


Cool Duck, might have to upgrade to something like that one day. Good write up.

Main Street to the Mountains

 Great article Duckster....I have the key pad style at the shop...it's awesome!


Good write up ducky. I’m a big fan of the locks, although they are battery operated so I have to stay on top of that, but they last quite a while. They give good visual warnings and they’re tied into my home automation so I get alerts via the cell phone as well. (<- the locks talking to the automation kills the batteries faster than anything, but such is the cost of modernity). 

It’s funny, because I use the same trick with ‘tradies’ that you do (using their phone number). And  our go-to neighbors have their own codes too. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

A lot of good info Ducky. We never saw the car port over the door 

James McIntyre

Thanks to all you "good guys" for looking, and watch out for the "bad ones" that read this twice... probably working on a way to break in.

FYI... This was written 3 years ago and my latest visit to our lock department in Bunnings revealed some great fingerprint locks... unfortunately they're a handful for me as I can never remember my fingerprint.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

The thing is the locks only keep the honest crooks out. 

Main Street to the Mountains

 Eric - the "Loft"
 commented about 3 hours ago
The thing is the locks only keep the honest crooks out. 

In the past, I've been burgled by "friends" I've given access (keys) to... Now I've got the name of the bastard(s), through the audit trail! 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Thanks for the info Alex! I absolutely enjoy all of your posts! (Pay no attention to Pottz... Ha ha ha!)
I think I need something like this for my multiple shops on my property!

Yooper with a Drawl

Thanks acg... pottzy who?

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Gotta respect Daffy. Donald has a spiffy shirt, but never wears pants, Daffy just goes full monty.

Either way gag me with a spoon!

 commented 14 minutes ago
Gotta respect Daffy. Donald has a spiffy shirt, but never wears pants, Daffy just goes full monty.

Either way gag me with a spoon!

Consider yourself gagged!!!

and if you're frisky... it's a cold spoon!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD