Danish Cord Bench

6 entries

1 Design

My wife and I have some friends who are nearing the end of a house renovation, and I wanted to make them something as a house-warming gift.  I deci...

2 Router Templates and Parts Cutout

The next step was to create a set of router templates for some of the pieces.  My original plan was to print paper templates, glue them to MDF, and...

3 Mortises and Slots

With all the pieces cut to shape, I moved on to cutting the mortises and slots, which I did with the help of a couple jigs.  They were all cut with...

4 Shaping, Sanding, and Glue-up

The leg edges and leg stretchers received a fingernail profile.   This was done with a 1/2" radius roundover bit in the router table.  Note my slig...

5 Weaving the Warp

Once I completed the final sanding and prepped according to instructions, I applied Rubio's Monocote Pure to the frame.  It was my first experience...

6 Weaving the Weft and Done

The weft weaving starts in one corner, attaching the a doubled cord (roughly 120ft length folded in half) at its center onto a side rail.  This is ...